]> composed_of component_in hasPropertyAttribute isPropertyPlayerIn isPropertyOf hasPortionOfEnergy hasThermodynamicEntity isConstitutivePlayerIn hasProcessProperty hasPositivePlayer isProcessPropertyOf hasPortionOfEntropy hasProperty hasNegativePlayer hasPhysicsDomain has Constitutive Player hasPropertyScope isShapeOf isBoundedBy isReciprocalOf isNegativePlayerIn isConverseOf isPositivePlayerIn isBoundaryOf hasPlayerProperty hasShape isThermodynamicEntityOf has Example has Synonym discussion Portion of pure liquid ...that is composed of a single molecular species Process start time Process end time Process duration Set of physical entities Partial gas pressure Portion of energy Portion of entropy Portion of potential energy Portion of kinetic energy Portion of thermodynamic entropy Portion of information entropy Magnetic field Electromagnetic field Origin of temporal coordinate system Set of material energetic entities ...that is a material energetic entity that has statistical properties Set of molecules Set of material structures Set of portions of material substance Set of quantal charges ...that is a countable set of quantal charges Portion of fluid kinetic energy Portion of solid kinetic energy Portion of fluid potential energy Portion of strain potential energy Portion of chemical potential energy Portion of thermal potential energy Portion of diffusion potential energy Portion of electrical potential energy Portion of magnetic potential energy Portion of magnetic inductive energy Multimolecular structure ...that is composed of more than one molecule Set of multimolecular structures Element that is a single atom Set of elements Portion of liquid solution ...that is mixture of solute molecules of one or more species dissolved in a liquid Portion of monomolecular gas Portion of gas mixture Portion of gas-particulate mixture Portion of liquid-particulate mixture 1D spatial location ...is the location of a point in a 1-dimensional coordinate system Discrete scope Conservation of mass Continuum scope Property spatial coordinate that is the number of spatial dimensions to which a property refers OneD coordinate TwoD coordinate TwoD radial coordinate TwoD cartesian coordinate ThreeD coordinate ThreeD cartesian coordinate ThreeD spherical coordinate ThreeD cylindrical coordinate Constitutive dependency property Entropy dimension Homologous set Heterologous set Thermodynamical property Temporal dependency Spatial differential dependency Fluid-Solid transducer Kinetic energy amount Potential energy amount Chemical-solid transducer Real form Magnetic flux linkage Imaginary form Complex form FourD coordinate Dynamical rate property ...that is the temporal differential of a state property and is a sum of boundary rate properties Information entropy amount Thermodynamic entropy amount Total energy amount Electrical resistive dependency Fluid resistive dependency Solid resistive dependency Diffusive resistive dependency Heat resistive dependency Electrical inductive dependency Solid inductive dependency Fluid inductive dependency Fluid capacitive dependency Solid capacitive dependency Electrical capacitive dependency Diffusive capacitive dependency Heat capacitive dependency Chemical capacitive dependency Ion exchange pump dependency Ion exchange pump Process trajectory Process trajectory Chemical conductance 1 Solid conductance 1 Dynamical process Capacitance dependency Fluid conductance 1 Heat conductance 1 Bounded surface 1 Electrical conductance 1 Boltzmann constant ...that is the proportionality of the energy of a particle per rise in absolute temperature; equal to the Gas constant divided by Avogadro's number. Boltzmann constant Diffusion kinetic domain Discrete electrical conductance Electromagnetic constant NIST>Electromagnetic constant Intensive electrical conductance Spatial extent ...that is the spatial extent of a spatial region Chemical kinetic rate control Intensive electrical conductance field Discrete heat conductance Intensive heat conductance Axiomatic physical dependency Axiomatic physical dependency ...is a dependency between physical properties that is defined by an axiom of physics Intensive heat conductance field Discrete fluid conductance Temporal domain ...in which temporal properties are related by temporal dependencies. Translational momentum Translational momentum Solid force Solid force Portion of liquid Portion of liquid ...and is a liquid Chemical capacitance 1 Intensive fluid conductance Intensive fluid conductance field Temporal differential of work Temporal differential of Work Conductance parameter ...is the derivative of flow versus force in a resistive dependency; the reciprocal of kinetic resistance property 2D spatial location ...is the location of a point in a 2-dimensional coordinate system Discrete solid conductance Intensive solid conductance Event rate ...is an Event summation divided by the Duration of the Temporal interval over which the Event summation occurs Intensive solid conductance field Electrical resistivity 1 Amount of material dimension ...that is proportional to Amount of material dimension Structural event ...that is a change in structural relation of a Physical entity as a consequence of a Property event Structural event Process event property Discrete chemical conductance Bending displacement Torsional mechanics domain Quantal electric charge ...that is the quantum of electrical charge Chemical amount ...is the temporal integral of a Chemical flow Chemical amount Intensive chemical conductance Polar coordinate system 2D 2D-Polar coordinate system Length dependency Length dependency Intensive chemical conductance field Transducer modulus ...is the nondimensional derivative of the magnitudes of kinetic property that are players in a transducer dependency Combined law of thermodynamics Combined law of thermodynamics Conservation of energy + Second law: dU - TdS + PdV ≤ 0 Cardinality dimension Cardinality dimension ...is the count of the members of a set of physical entities; e.g., molecules, particles, cells... Discrete fluid inductance Intensive fluid inductance Unitary dimension Unitary dimension ...that is a unit-less dimension Intensive fluid inductance field Intensive solid mass equal to mass density Pressure momentum 1 ...is the temporal integral of a Fluid pressure; also the Fluid flow times the mass density of a Portion of fluid Pressure momentum Spatial distribution ...that is the locus of points within a spatial region Intensive solid mass field Fluid volumetric elastance 1 Chemical elastance 1 Solid velocity ...is the temporal derivative of a Solid displacement Solid velocity Discrete chemical resistance Solid elastance 1 Shear capacitance Fluid flow transactor ...is the dependence of a fluid flow rate on a kinetic displacement. Constitutive dynamical process ...is the transformation of Energy within or between participating Energetic physical entities according to a constitutive dependency. Fluid resistance dependency Electrical elastance 1 Particle diffusive elastance Faraday constant ...is the amount of electric charge per mole of electrons; Faraday constant Chemical resistive dependency ...that is the dependence of a chemical flow rate on the amount or chemical potential of reactants (e.g., substrates, products) in a chemical reaction. Heat elastance Gravitational field ...by which material entities exert an attractive force on each other that is proportional to the product of their masses Gravitational field Spatial coordinate system ...is a spatial entity that is a system for assigning an n-tuple of numbers or scalars to each point in an n-dimensional space. Spatial coordinate stystem Discrete heat elastance Intensive heat elastance Intensive heat elastance field Temporal integral dependency ...that is the temporal integral of a Physical property Temporal integral dependency Discrete particle elastance Transformer ratio ...is the nondimensional derivative of the magnitudes of kinetic property that are players in a transformer dependency Mass volumetric density Intensive particle elastance Sum of displacements Sum of displacements Fluid inductance 1 ...for the fluid domain Intensive particle elastance field Property threshold event Intensive electrical elastance Dynamical dimension ...is a dimension to which units of spatial extent apply Discrete electrical elastance Fluid viscosity 1 Electrical resistance dependency Intensive electrical elastance field One dimensional spatial region ..is a mathematical function that, given one value, returns a spatial point Time dimension Time dimension ...is the temporal dimension to which units of units of time duration apply Conservation of momentum Conservation of momentum Sum of momenta ... Sum of momenta Rotational solid elastance Shear force Shear force Force dimension Force dimension Bounded volume shape Energetic entity ...that is a space-occupying material or immaterial entity that is the bearer of thermodynamic energy Tensile force Tensile force Acceleration dimension Acceleration dimension http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/units.html Discrete rotational inertia Dependency of constitutive property ...is the dependence of a constitutive property on intensive constitutive and spatial properties of a kinetic entity Inductance parameter ...is the derivative momentum versus force in an inductive dependency Spatial coordinate location ...that is a point in a spatial coordinate system Amount property ...is the temporal integral of a flow rate Solid bending velocity Intensive solid elastance Energy minimization constraint ... Process manifestation ...that is a change in a physical entity during a physical process in which it is a participant Standard gravity constant ... is the nominal acceleration due to gravity at the Earth's surface at sea level; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard gravity Spatial dimension Spatial dimension ...is the dimension to which units of spatial extent apply Intensive solid elastance field Cartesian coordinate system 2D 2D-Cartesian coordinate system Physical property ...is a dependent continuant that encodes a quantitative attribute of a physical entity, property, or process whose value is measureable by a physical device. Discrete solid elastance Electrical resistance 1 Jerk dimension Jerk dimension Quantal electrical charge ...is the electric charge carried by a single proton, or equivalently, the negative of the electric charge carried by a single electron. Fluid volume 1 Fluid volume ...is the temporal integral of a Fluid flow Intensive electrical resistance Intensive electrical resistance field Temporal instant ...is a point in time Temporal moment Fluid resistance 1 Intensive fluid resistance Intensive fluid resistance field Angular momentum Angular momentum Transformer process Transformer process Temperature dimension Temperature dimension Area dimension Area dimension Property dimension Physical dimension Physical dimension is a placeholder to support annotating, error-checking and converting of physical units used in biosimulation models; not referenced by other OPB1.0 classes. ...is a fundamental coordinate of a physical property upon which its units of measure are based. Chemical resistance 1 Sum of flows Sum of flows Solid capacitance 1 Sum of rate property Sum of rate property Transducer dependency Transformer dependency ...in which energy is transferred and conserved between physics entities of different kinetic domains; constrained by the quantitative relationships: E1 = nF2, and nF1 = E2 where E and F are force and flow properties, respectively, of entities 1 and 2 , and n is a positive scalar transducer ratio. Solid momentum 1 Solid momentum ...is the temporal integral of a Solid force; also the Solid-velocity times the mass of a solid Material physical entity Identity manifestation ...that is a change in the class identity Cardinality of set ...that is the number of individuals in a set Cardinality of set Intensive chemical resistance Closed line 0 Intensive chemical resistance field Solid resistance 1 Intensive solid resistance Bending capacitance Thermodynamic constraint ...that is a constraint on the magnitudes of Thermodynamic quantities Thermodynamic constraint Property maximum event ...that is a maximum value Property maximum event Locus of points in surface region Mass dimension ...that is proportional to the Mass of an entity Mass dimension Mass lineal density Length of line region Tensile capacitance Solid kinetic domain ...in which the entities are solid structures Solid domain Temporal differential of state property Temporal differential of State property Intensive solid resistance field Heat resistance 1 Property event ...that occurs when a Property trajectory satisfies a defined quantitative value. Property event Event time of occurrence Heat flow rate ......is the temporal derivative of a Heat amount Heat flow Separation event ...after which the Physical entity is spatially separated to become two new Physical whose classes are differerent from the original entity; obverse of Unification event. Separation event Intensive heat resistance Process property Motion dimension Motion dimension Intensive heat resistance field Charge dimension Charge dimension Statistical property of value distribution ...that is a Electrochemical domain ...in which the entities are portions of ions Newtonian gravitational constant ...that is the constant of proportionality that relates the gravitational force between two Material physical entities as the product of the masses of the entities divided by the distance between the entities; <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitational constant> Newtonian gravitational constant Sum of forces Sum of forces Ligand-gated ion current control Ligand-gated ion current control Electric constant formerly "dielectric constant" Energy dimension Energy dimension Fusion event Merging event Elastance parameter ...is the derivative of force versus displacement in a capacitive dependency; reciprocal of capacitance property Locus of points in volume region Resistance parameter ...is the derivative of force versus flow in a resistive dependency; reciprocal of kinetic conductance property Variance of property magnitude Diffusion resistance 1 Discrete diffusion resistance Statistical entropy dependency ...that is the dependence of the Statistical entropy of a Material physical entit on the dissipation of Energy S = Kb ∑P•ln P; <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microstate %28statistical mechanics%29#Entropy> Statistical entropy dependency Torsional capacitance Chemical flow maximum Angle dimension Angle dimension Angle dimension; UCUM ref: http://aurora.regenstrief.org/UCUM/ucum.html#section-Base-Units Hamiltonian dependency ...that is the Constitutive coupling process ...that is the flow of energy or the modulation of an energy flow according to a entity-coupling dependency Intensive diffusion resistance Chemical flow rate Chemical flow ...is the temporal derivative of a Chemical amount Momentum dimension Volume dimension Volume dimension Constitutive path process ...that is the tranformation of energy according to a constitutive kinetic dependency Intensive diffusion resistance field Capacitive dependency 1 1 Capacitive dependency ...in which a displacement depends on a force differential applied to the entity. Ionic current transactor Ionic current control dependency Discrete chemical capacitance Dynamical domain Kinetic domain ...in which kinetic properties are related by kinetic physical dependencies. Chemical bond A Bond is an abstraction that represents ONLY the energetics of an attractive interaction between entities; i.e., the bond is manifested as a minimum energy state (usually as a function of entity-entity distance). Thus, a bond can be defined irrespective of the physical mechanism that mediates the bond such as electron-sharing or the extracellular matrix between cells. ...that is an attractive interaction between physical entities that requires force to be displaced or disrupted Discrete solid resistance Solid translational velocity Solid translational velocity Intensive chemical capacitance Budding event ...after which a part of a Physical entity is spatially separated to become a new Physical enity while leaving the class of the original Physical entity unchanged; obverse of Absorption event. Budding event Temporal integral of flow rate 1 ...in which a change of Displacement is the temporal integral of Flow rate Temporal integral of Flow Intensive chemical capacitance field Spatial entity 1 Spatial entity ..that is a spatial region that has neither mass, charge, or energy but has spatial properties Mass areal density Discrete shear capacitance Intensive shear capacitance Intensive shear capacitance field Process event record ...that is a time-series of Moments of Process events during a Physical process Process event record Material energetic entity 1 ...that is a material entity that has a spatial boundary, possesses portions of thermodynamic entities, portions of quantal charge, and has kinetic properties Discrete bending capacitance Shear mechanics domain Capacitive process ...that is a Capacitive dependency Capacitive process Temporal extent ...is the amount of time between two temporal instants Translational displacement Translational displacement Constitutive path dependency ...is a constitutive dependency whose players are the kinetic properties of a single physical entity Dynamical dependency Kinetic dependency ...is a dependency kinetic properties upon on other kinetic properties, spatial properties Intensive bending capacitance Process event ...that occurs at a Temporal moment according to defined criteria Process event Thermodynamic domain Thermodynamic domain ...in which thermodynamic properties are related by thermodynamic dependencies. Temporal differential dependency Temporal differential dependency Potential energy field Force field ...is an immaterial spatial distribution of potential energy by which physical entities exert force upon each other. Transactor parameter Intensive bending capacitance field Discrete tensile capacitance Intensive tensile capacitance Positive quantal charge Temperature Area of surface region Intensive tensile capacitance field Energy amount dependency Energy amount dependency Property minimum event ...that is a minimum value Property minimum event Fluid flow rate Fluid flow ...is the temporal derivative of a Fluid volume Discrete torsional capacitance One dimensional spatial coordinate system 1D-coordinate system Intensive torsional capacitance Closed surface 0 Temporal integral of work Temporal integral of Power ...in which Work is the temporal integral of Power Physical entity ...that is a continuant that is a bearer of physical properties Intensive torsional capacitance field Negative quantal charge. Statistical property of value correlation Discrete fluid volumetric capacitance Conservation dependency Intensive fluid volumetric capacitance Intensive fluid volumetric capacitance field Electric current ...is the temporal derivative of an Ion amount Electrical current Luminosity dimension Solid displacement 1 Solid displacement ...is the temporal integral of a Solid velocity Duration dependency ...that is the amount of time between two temporal moments Portion of particulate ...that consists of innumerable particles that has diffusive kinetic properties Temporal differential of displacement 1 Temporal differential of Displacement Constitutive coupling dependency ...by which the Sum of state property Sum of state property Discrete heat capacitance Intensive heat capacitance Fluid volumetric capacitance 1 Intensive heat capacitance field Discrete electrical capacitance Shear displacement Shear displacement Heat capacitance 1 Structural manifestation ...that is a change in the parthood and/or spatial relations of a physical entity that is a participant in a process Chemical concentration the concentration of a portion of molecules that is the spatial average of the intensive chemical concentration field Intensive electrical capacitance Intensive electrical capacitance field Constitutive parameter ...that quantitatively characterizes a constitutive dependency Resistive process Resistive process ...that proceeds according to a resistive dependency and dissipates energy as heat Electric current dimension ...that is the amount of Charge flowing during an interval of Time Electric current dimension Spatial location ...that is the location of a spatial point in a spatial coordinate system Tensile mechanics domain Physical property attribute ...that characterizes the dimension, value type, or spatial scope of a physical property Conservation of energy ... Conservation of energy Property manifestation ...that is a quantitative change in the magnitude of a physical property Portion of fluid ...that is a material substance with fluid kinetic properties. Solid shear velocity Solid shear velocity Force transactor dependency Kinetic manifestation Entropy amount dependency Entropy amount dependency Unbounded surface Thermodynamic manifestation Spatial manifestation Transformation manifestation Absorption event ...after which the material of one Physical entity becomes part of another Physical entity whose ontological class is unchanged; obverse of Budding event. Absorption event Cartesian coordinate system 3D 3D-Cartesian coordinate system Fusion manifestation Interval starting instant ...that is the moment that a process begins Interval ending instant ...that is the moment that a process ends Fission manifestation Geometrical spatial dependency Magnetic constant Magnetic constant Chemical potential (chemical affinity = -∆G) Chemical potential Electrical entity 1 is a primitive that entity that is the bearer of electrical charge, is immaterial, and has no spatial extent Fluid kinetic domain ...in which the entities are portions fluids (i.e., liquids, gasses) Fluid domain Unbounded volume shape Transducer process Transducer process Negative quantal charge ...that is the electrical charge of an electron Point location dependency Event set ...is the set of Process events occuring during a Temporal interval Transformer dependency Rate control dependency ...in which energy is transferred and conserved between physics entities of the same kinetic domain; constrained by the quantitative relationships: E1 = nE2, and nF1 = F2 where E and F are force and flow properties, respectively, of entities 1 and 2 , and n is a positive scalar transformer ratio. Positive quantal charge ...that is the electrical charge of a proton Molecule ...that is a polyatomic entity Material structure ...that has solid kinetic properties Process temporal property Statistical property 1 ...is a <fred?> of a set of physical entities Fission event ...at which a single Spatial or Energetic physical entity becomes two such enities Bifurcation event Chemical kinetic parameter Portion of molecules 1 ...that has both chemical and diffusion kinetic properties. Temporal property 1 ...that is the temporal location or duration of a temporal entity within referred to a temporal coordinate system. Temporal location ...that is the amount of time between the origin of a temporal coordinate and a temporal Instant OPB_00403 Portion of material entity Physical property dependency Physical dependency ...is a quantitative dependency between the values of physical properties Total energy dependency ...by which Total energy is the algebraic sum of Potential energy and Kinetic energy Total energy dependency Velocity dimension Velocity dimension Property algebraic form Gas constant ...that is the proportionality of the energy of a substance per mole per rise in absolute temperature; the same as Boltzmann's constant times Avogadro's number. Gas constant Charge amount 1 Electrical charge ...is the temporal integral of a Electrical current Temporal integral of force Newton's law 1 ...in which a change of Momentum is the temporal integral of Force Temporal integral of Force Thermodynamic dependency 1 Thermodynamic dependency ...is a dependency of the magnitude of a tehermodynamic property on kinetic properties Solid inductance 1 Scalar form ...is a physical property whose magnitude or value is expressible as a scalar number that independent of transformations of the spatial coordinate system in which it is measured. Flow transactor dependency Inductance dependency Temporal differential of momentum 1 Newton's law Temporal differential of Momentum Second law of thermodynamics "Entropy increases": TdS ≥ 0 Second law of thermodynamics Gravitational constant Discrete fluid resistance Universal constitutive property ...that is a measured or defined physical property of matter or space attributable to all kinetic and spatial entities Physical process Physical process Physical process is a placeholder for OPB2.0. As defined (see comment field),.the OPB defines Physical process entirely in thermodynamic terms as the flow, control or transformation of energy. ...is a dependent occurrent that is the flow, control, transformation, or dissipation of thermodynamic energy within or between participating energetic physical entities according to a physical property dependency. Chemical molar amount 1 total amount of a portion of chemical within a spatial region Conservation of charge ...is the law that states that the net rate of electrical charge traversing the Boundary of a Physical entity is exactly equal to the gain or loss of electrical charge within the Boundary. Conservation of charge Vector form ...is a physical property whose value is expressed as a combination of a scalar and a spatial orientation in a spatial coordinate system. Thermodynamic entropy dependency Thermodynamic entropy dependency ΔS = δqrev/T ; 1.1.3 Entropy in chemical thermodynamics <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy#Entropy in chemical thermodynamics> Spatial dependency 1 Spatial dependency ...is the dependence between spatial properties Portion of gas Portion of gas ...and is a gas Constitutive coupling parameter ...that is a nondimensional positive scalar Chemical kinetic domain ...in which the entities are portions of molecules Chemical kinetic domain Tensor form ...is a physical property whose value is a multidimensional array of scalars whose values are invariant under spatial coordinate transformation. Statistical domain ...in which statistical properties are related by statistical dependencies. Three dimensional spatial region ...that consists of point regions in a three spatial dimensions in space Property spatial scope ...is the relation of a physical property to the spatial region within which it is measured and to which it applies. Portion of electrical charge ....that is a uncountable set of quantal charges whose net charge is a continuous scalar quantity Unification event ...in which the material two Material energetic entities merge to form Material energetic entity of a class different than either of the original enitities; obverse of Separation event. Unification event Existential event ...that is the change in taxonomical classification of the material and energy of a Physical entity as a consequence of one or more Process events. Classification event Electrical capacitance 1 Temporal coordinate system ...is a temporal entity that is a system for assigning a numbers or scalars to temporal moments relative to reference moment. Physical property trajectory ...that is the time course of the magnitude of a Physical property or Process property during a Physical process Property trajectory 3D spatial location ...is the location of a point in an 3-dimensional coordinate system Length dimension ...is proportional to the extent of Space Length dimension Mean of property magnitude Bounded line 2 Mass density Mass density Bendng mechanics domain Cylindrical coordinate system Cylindrical coordinate system Two dimensional spatial region ...that consists of point regions in a two spatial dimensions in space Potential energy dependency ...by which Potential energy is the integral of the product of Force times Displacement Potential energy dependency Avagadro constant ...that is the number particles, usually, atoms or molecules in one mole of a chemical entity. Avagadro constant Particle amount 1 Particle amount ...is the temporal integral of a Particle flow Physical domain Physics domain ... is a domain of physics science in which physical properties are related by physical dependencies. Temporal dependency 1 ...that is a dependency between temporal properties Discrete intensive scope ...that is measured or applies to the entirety of a physical entity but is independent of the spatial extent or mass of the entity; Resistive dependency 1 Resistive dependency ...in which a flow depends on a force differential applied to the entity. Discrete extensive scope ...that is measured and applies to the entire spatial region occupied by a physical entity and is proportional to the spatial extent or mass of the entity. Solid angle dimension Solid angle dimension Heat kinetic domain ...in which the entities are portions of thermal energy Thermal transfer domain Discrete heat resistance Continuum point scope ...that is measured and applies to an arbitrarily small spatial region surrounding a spatial point. Properties that have intensive spatial scope are intensive properties such as mass density, pressure, temperature. Spatial region ..is a bounded or unbounded region of space. Rotational displacement Rotational displacement Discrete electrical resistance Inductive process ...that is an Inductive dependency Inductive process Momentum property ...is the temporal integral of a force Continuum field scope ...that is the spatial distribution of an intensive property within the spatial region of an intensive field property. Properties with intensive field scope are known generally as "fields" or "distributions" such as a tensile force field, electropotential field, or pressure distribution Zero dimensional spatial region ...that is an arbitrarily small spatial region surrounding a spatial point Origin of spatial coordinate system Centroidal point Solid angular velocity Solid angular velocity Axiomatic dynamical process ...that proceeds according to an axiomatic physical dependency. Heat amount 1 Heat amount ...is the temporal integral of a Heat flow Area dependency Area dependency Portion of solid substance Statistical dependency 1 Statistical dependency is a placeholder for OPB3.0; see Set of physical entities. ...is the dependency of statistical properties on Locus of points in line region Spherical coordinate system Spherical coordinate system Spatial property 1 ...that is a measure of the spatial extent or location of a spatial entity referred to a spatial coordinate system. Discrete solid mass ...that is the proportionality between solid momentum and velocity of a solid entity Electrochemical potential Electrochemical potential Fluid pressure Fluid pressure Temporal entity 1 Temporal entity ...is a moment or span of time Capacitance parameter ...is the derivative of displacement versus force in a capacitive dependency; reciprocal of elastance property Thermodynamic entity ...that is the capacity of a energetic entity to perform work and has thermodynamic properties Electrostatic field ...by which electrical charges that are immobile with respect to each other exert force on each other Electrostatic field Volume of volume region Summation dependency ...that is a summation of the magnitudes of individual Kinetic properties of one class across a Set of energetic physical entities Kinetic summation dependency Temporal interval ...is a period of time bounded by two temporal moments (that may be the same moment). Temporal interval Kinetic energy dependency ...by which Kinetic energy is the integral of the product of Flow times Momentum Kinetic energy dependency Plane angle dimension Plane angle dimension Particle diffusion coefficient 1 Unbounded line 1 Chemical reaction rate constant Physiochemical constant NIST>Physiochemical constant Inductive dependency 1 1 ...in which the momentum of an entity depends on its flow rate. Inductive dependency Constitutive physical dependency Constitutive dependency ...that is a dependency between the magnitudes of kinetic physical properties that depends on the structure and material composition of physical entities. Particle flow rate ...is the temporal derivative of a Particle amount Particle flow Material constitutive property Material constitutive property ...is a constitutive property that is independent of an entity's spatial extent or its mass; can be determined at a point within the entity Spatial domain Spatial domain ...in which spatial properties are related by spatial dependencies. Three dimensional spatial coordinate system 3D-coordinate system Two dimensional spatial coordinate system 2D-coordinate system Resistance dependency Volume dependency Volume dependency Potential field dependency Gravitational potential dependency Electrostatic potential dependency Thermodynamic amount Thermodynamic flow rate Energy amount ...that is a measure of the amount of energy in a portion of energy Energy flow rate Entropy flow rate Entropy amount ...that is a measure of the amount of entropy in a portion of entropy Dynamical property 1 ...that is a property of a space-occupying, energy-bearing physical entity whose value determines the amount or rate of change of the the kinds of thermodynamic energy inhering in the entity. Dynamical state property ...that is the temporal integral of a rate property Flow rate property ......that is the sum of flow rates entering an energetic physical entity and is the temporal differential of its amount Force property ...that depends on the properties of the physical entity in which it inheres: as the temporal differential of momentum, as a co-determinant, with momentum, of its kinetic energy, as a co-determinant, with foce and as a partial differential of: 1) an inflow rate according to a resistive dependency, and 2) of its momentum according to an inductive dependency, and 3) as a co-determinant, with Chemical molar flow rate measured in concentration per unit time; moles/s Chemical concentration flow rate measured in concentration per unit time; M/s Particle potential Process domain ...in which process properties are related by process dependencies. State transactor dependency Rate transactor dependency Displacement transactor dependency Momentum transactor dependency Transactor dependency Transactor process Circuit balance dependency Kerchoff laws which are themselves applications of conservation laws Flow rate balance dependency State balance dependency Spatial dependency Spatial integral dependency