- To produce a publishable draft CBO, an initial standard for a Multicell modeling language.
CBO 4's work is shared and recorded on a workshop wiki.
Friday 2/4/11
- 8:15AM-9:00AM Breakfast in Swain Hall Meeting Rooms
- 9:00AM-9:30AM Introduction to the Issues and Goals of the Workshop—James A. Glazier
- 9:30AM-10:15AM Presentation of Prototype CBO Standard—James Sluka
- 10:15AM-12:30PM 10 minute presentations by experimentalists and modelers, 5 minutes for questions for each talk.
- 12:30PM-1:30PM Lunch
- 1:30PM-6:00PM
Experimentalists: Work as individuals through your experimental system as a CBO use-case in consultation with members of the IUB team. If time, document data annotation methods and needs.
Modelers: Work as individuals through your simulation/model as a CBO use-case in consultation with members of the IUB team and draft a pseudocode model description. If time, document initialization and output file methods and needs.
Ontologists: Review the CBO as individuals.
Saturday 2/5/11
- 8:15AM-9:00AM Breakfast in Swain Hall Meeting Rooms
- 9:00AM-11:00AM Finish use-cases from Friday.
- 11:00AM-12:00PM Write quick summary of use-cases.
- 12:00PM-1:00PM Lunch 1:00PM-4:30PM
All modelers together: Combine separate use cases, discuss and resolve discrepancies.
All experimentalists together: Combine separate use cases, discuss and resolve discrepancies.
Ontologists: review use cases, suggest strategies, discuss Language and representation issues.
- 4:30PM-5:15PM Write quick summary of consensus use-cases.
- 5:15PM-6:00PM Present summaries.
Sunday 2/6/11
- 8:15AM-9:00AM: Breakfast in Swain Hall Meeting Rooms
- 9:00AM-11:00AM: Combine experimental and modeling use cases, discuss and resolve discrepancies.
- 11:00AM-1:00PM:
- Break into three groups to write summary CBO, draft modeling language and data representation standard
- 1:00PM: Adjourn