]> 1.0.0 1.2 7 Feb. 2013 J Sluka, Biocomplexity Insitute, Indiana University OBO_REL http://www.obofoundry.org/ro/ro.owl# "OBO Relation ontology official home on OBO Foundry" The cell Behavior Ontology (CBO) is designed to describe multi-cell computational models. In particular to describe both the existential behaviors of cells (spatiality, growth, movement, adhesion, death, ...) and computational models of those behaviors. The cell Behavior Ontology (CBO) is designed to describe multi-cell computational models. In particular to describe both the existential behaviors of cells (spatiality, growth, movement, adhesion, death, ...) and computational models of those behaviors. Version 1.0.0 is the initial release of the Cell Behavior Ontology (CBO). jps release version 1.0.0 has_Quality 1/24/2012 has_Quality links an instance of a CBO quality to a class or individual. jps has_Quality links an instance of a CBO quality to a class or individual. adjacent_to OBO_REL_adjacent_to "C adjacent to C' if and only if: given any instance c that instantiates C at a time t, there is some c' such that: c' instantiates C' at time t and c and c' are in spatial proximity" [PMID:15892874] OBO_REL_adjacented_to true OBO_REL:0000012 OBO_REL_adjacents_to Note that adjacent_to as thus defined is not a symmetric relation, in contrast to its instance-level counterpart. For it can be the case that Cs are in general such as to be adjacent to instances of C1 while no analogous statement holds for C1s in general in relation to instances of C. Examples are: nuclear membrane adjacent_to cytoplasm; seminal vesicle adjacent_to urinary bladder; ovary adjacent_to parietal pelvic peritoneum agent_in OBO_REL_agent_in OBO_REL_agents_in OBO_REL:has_agent OBO_REL:0000022 OBO_REL_agented_in contained_in OBO_REL_containeds_in Containment obtains in each case between material and immaterial continuants, for instance: lung contained_in thoracic cavity; bladder contained_in pelvic cavity. Hence containment is not a transitive relation. If c part_of c1 at t then we have also, by our definition and by the axioms of mereology applied to spatial regions, c located_in c1 at t. Thus, many examples of instance-level location relations for continuants are in fact cases of instance-level parthood. For material continuants location and parthood coincide. Containment is location not involving parthood, and arises only where some immaterial continuant is involved. To understand this relation, we first define overlap for continuants as follows: c1 overlap c2 at t =def for some c, c part_of c1 at t and c part_of c2 at t. The containment relation on the instance level can then be defined (see definition): OBO_REL:contains OBO_REL_containeded_in OBO_REL_contained_in "C contained_in C' if and only if: given any instance c that instantiates C at a time t, there is some c' such that: c' instantiates C' at time t and c located_in c' at t, and it is not the case that c *overlaps* c' at t. (c' is a conduit or cavity.)" [PMID:15892874] OBO_REL:0000010 contains OBO_REL:0000011 OBO_REL:contained_in OBO_REL_contains OBO_REL_containsed OBO_REL_containses derived_into OBO_REL_derived_into OBO_REL:derives_from OBO_REL_deriveded_into OBO_REL_deriveds_into OBO_REL:0000016 derives_from OBO_REL_derives_from OBO_REL:derived_into Derivation as a relation between instances. The temporal relation of derivation is more complex. Transformation, on the instance level, is just the relation of identity: each adult is identical to some child existing at some earlier time. Derivation on the instance-level is a relation holding between non-identicals. More precisely, it holds between distinct material continuants when one succeeds the other across a temporal divide in such a way that at least a biologically significant portion of the matter of the earlier continuant is inherited by the later. Thus we will have axioms to the effect that from c derives_from c1 we can infer that c and c1 are not identical and that there is some instant of time t such that c1 exists only prior to and c only subsequent to t. We will also be able to infer that the spatial region occupied by c as it begins to exist at t overlaps with the spatial region occupied by c1 as it ceases to exist in the same instant. "derived_from" [] "Derivation on the instance level (*derives_from*) holds between distinct material continuants when one succeeds the other across a temporal divide in such a way that at least a biologically significant portion of the matter of the earlier continuant is inherited by the later. We say that one class C derives_from class C' if instances of C are connected to instances of C' via some chain of instance-level derivation relations. Example: osteocyte derives_from osteoblast. Formally: C derives_immediately_from C' if and only if: given any c and any t, if c instantiates C at time t, then there is some c' and some t', such that c' instantiates C' at t' and t' earlier-than t and c *derives_from* c'. C derives_from C' if and only if: there is an chain of immediate derivation relations connecting C to C'." [PMID:15892874] OBO_REL_derivesed_from OBO_REL_deriveses_from OBO_REL:0000015 has_agent OBO_REL_has_agent OBO_REL:0000021 "As for has_participant, but with the additional condition that the component instance is causally active in the relevant process" [PMID:15892874] OBO_REL:agent_in OBO_REL_has_agents OBO_REL_has_agented has_improper_part OBO_REL_has_improper_part OBO_REL_has_improper_parts OBO_REL:0000024 OBO_REL_has_improper_parted OBO_REL:improper_part_of See reasons for obsoletion of improper_part_of true has_integral_part OBO_REL_has_integral_parted true OBO_REL_has_integral_parts OBO_REL_has_integral_part OBO_REL:0000005 OBO_REL:integral_part_of has_part OBO_REL:0000003 OBO_REL_has_parted OBO_REL_has_parts true OBO_REL_has_part OBO_REL:part_of has_participant OBO_REL_has_participant OBO_REL_has_participants OBO_REL:0000019 Has_participant is a primitive instance-level relation between a process, a continuant, and a time at which the continuant participates in some way in the process. The relation obtains, for example, when this particular process of oxygen exchange across this particular alveolar membrane has_participant this particular sample of hemoglobin at this particular time. OBO_REL:participates_in OBO_REL_has_participanted "P has_participant C if and only if: given any process p that instantiates P there is some continuant c, and some time t, such that: c instantiates C at t and c participates in p at t" [PMID:15892874] has_proper_part OBO_REL_has_proper_parts OBO_REL_has_proper_part OBO_REL:proper_part_of OBO_REL_has_proper_parted OBO_REL:0000007 improper_part_of true OBO_REL_improper_part_ofs OBO_REL_improper_part_ofed "As for part_of, with the additional constraint that subject and object may be identical" [PMID:15892874] OBO_REL:has_improper_part OBO_REL:0000025 OBO_REL_improper_part_of OBSOLETE. The definition is "As for part_of, with the additional constraint that subject and object may be identical". However, part_of is already reflexive, therefore improper_part_of is identical to part_of. If read differently, as "improper_part_of is part_of but not proper_part_of",improper_part_of becomes identity. So, improper_part_of is either identical to part_of or to identity, and not an intuitive synonym for either of them. [Robert Hoehndorf] instance_of OBO_REL:0000023 OBO_REL_instance_of "A relation between an instance and a class. For components: a primitive relation between a component instance and a class which it instantiates at a specific time. For processes: a primitive relation, between a process instance and a class which it instantiates, holding independently of time" [PMID:15892874] true The instance_of relationship is considered axiomatic by the obo file format specification; ie it is taken for granted. The is_a relation is still included in this ontology for completeness OBO_REL_instance_ofs OBO_REL_instance_ofed integral_part_of OBO_REL_integral_part_ofed OBO_REL_integral_part_ofs OBO_REL_integral_part_of OBO_REL:has_integral_part OBO_REL:0000004 "C integral_part_of C' if and only if: C part_of C' AND C' has_part C" [PMID:15892874] true is_a owl:subClassOf true OBO_REL:0000001 OBO_REL_is_aed The is_a relationship is considered axiomatic by the obo file format specification. In the representation of obo in OWL, where obo terms are represented as OWL classes, is_a is mapped on to the subClassOf axiom "For continuants: C is_a C' if and only if: given any c that instantiates C at a time t, c instantiates C' at t. For processes: P is_a P' if and only if: that given any p that instantiates P, then p instantiates P'." [PMID:15892874] OBO_REL_is_a true OBO_REL_is_as "is_subtype_of" [] located_in "C located_in C' if and only if: given any c that instantiates C at a time t, there is some c' such that: c' instantiates C' at time t and c *located_in* c'. (Here *located_in* is the instance-level location relation.)" [PMID:15892874] OBO_REL_locateds_in OBO_REL:location_of Location as a relation between instances: The primitive instance-level relation c located_in r at t reflects the fact that each continuant is at any given time associated with exactly one spatial region, namely its exact location. Following we can use this relation to define a further instance-level location relation - not between a continuant and the region which it exactly occupies, but rather between one continuant and another. c is located in c1, in this sense, whenever the spatial region occupied by c is part_of the spatial region occupied by c1. Note that this relation comprehends both the relation of exact location between one continuant and another which obtains when r and r1 are identical (for example, when a portion of fluid exactly fills a cavity), as well as those sorts of inexact location relations which obtain, for example, between brain and head or between ovum and uterus OBO_REL_located_in OBO_REL:0000008 OBO_REL_locateded_in location_of OBO_REL_location_ofs OBO_REL_location_of OBO_REL:located_in OBO_REL:0000009 OBO_REL_location_ofed part_of Parthood as a relation between instances: The primitive instance-level relation p part_of p1 is illustrated in assertions such as: this instance of rhodopsin mediated phototransduction part_of this instance of visual perception. This relation satisfies at least the following standard axioms of mereology: reflexivity (for all p, p part_of p); anti-symmetry (for all p, p1, if p part_of p1 and p1 part_of p then p and p1 are identical); and transitivity (for all p, p1, p2, if p part_of p1 and p1 part_of p2, then p part_of p2). Analogous axioms hold also for parthood as a relation between spatial regions. For parthood as a relation between continuants, these axioms need to be modified to take account of the incorporation of a temporal argument. Thus for example the axiom of transitivity for continuants will assert that if c part_of c1 at t and c1 part_of c2 at t, then also c part_of c2 at t. Parthood as a relation between classes: To define part_of as a relation between classes we again need to distinguish the two cases of continuants and processes, even though the explicit reference to instants of time now falls away. For continuants, we have C part_of C1 if and only if any instance of C at any time is an instance-level part of some instance of C1 at that time, as for example in: cell nucleus part_ of cell. "For continuants: C part_of C' if and only if: given any c that instantiates C at a time t, there is some c' such that c' instantiates C' at time t, and c *part_of* c' at t. For processes: P part_of P' if and only if: given any p that instantiates P at a time t, there is some p' such that p' instantiates P' at time t, and p *part_of* p' at t. (Here *part_of* is the instance-level part-relation.)" [PMID:15892874] OBO_REL:has_part true OBO_REL_part_ofs OBO_REL:0000002 OBO_REL_part_ofed OBO_REL_part_of participates_in OBO_REL:0000020 OBO_REL_participates_in OBO_REL_participatesed_in OBO_REL:has_participant OBO_REL_participateses_in preceded_by OBO_REL_preceded_bied OBO_REL:precedes OBO_REL_preceded_bies "P preceded_by P' if and only if: given any process p that instantiates P at a time t, there is some process p' such that p' instantiates P' at time t', and t' is earlier than t. " [PMID:15892874] OBO_REL:0000017 An example is: translation preceded_by transcription; aging preceded_by development (not however death preceded_by aging). Where derives_from links classes of continuants, preceded_by links classes of processes. Clearly, however, these two relations are not independent of each other. Thus if cells of type C1 derive_from cells of type C, then any cell division involving an instance of C1 in a given lineage is preceded_by cellular processes involving an instance of C. The assertion P preceded_by P1 tells us something about Ps in general: that is, it tells us something about what happened earlier, given what we know about what happened later. Thus it does not provide information pointing in the opposite direction, concerning instances of P1 in general; that is, that each is such as to be succeeded by some instance of P. Note that an assertion to the effect that P preceded_by P1 is rather weak; it tells us little about the relations between the underlying instances in virtue of which the preceded_by relation obtains. Typically we will be interested in stronger relations, for example in the relation immediately_preceded_by, or in relations which combine preceded_by with a condition to the effect that the corresponding instances of P and P1 share participants, or that their participants are connected by relations of derivation, or (as a first step along the road to a treatment of causality) that the one process in some way affects (for example, initiates or regulates) the other. OBO_REL_preceded_by precedes OBO_REL:preceded_by OBO_REL:0000018 OBO_REL_precedeses OBO_REL_precedesed OBO_REL_precedes proper_part_of OBO_REL:has_proper_part "As for part_of, with the additional constraint that subject and object are distinct" [PMID:15892874] OBO_REL:0000006 OBO_REL_proper_part_ofed OBO_REL_proper_part_of OBO_REL_proper_part_ofs transformation_of OBO_REL:0000013 When an embryonic oenocyte (a type of insect cell) is transformed into a larval oenocyte, one and the same continuant entity preserves its identity while instantiating distinct classes at distinct times. The class-level relation transformation_of obtains between continuant classes C and C1 wherever each instance of the class C is such as to have existed at some earlier time as an instance of the distinct class C1 (see Figure 2 in paper). This relation is illustrated first of all at the molecular level of granularity by the relation between mature RNA and the pre-RNA from which it is processed, or between (UV-induced) thymine-dimer and thymine dinucleotide. At coarser levels of granularity it is illustrated by the transformations involved in the creation of red blood cells, for example, from reticulocyte to erythrocyte, and by processes of development, for example, from larva to pupa, or from (post-gastrular) embryo to fetus or from child to adult. It is also manifest in pathological transformations, for example, of normal colon into carcinomatous colon. In each such case, one and the same continuant entity instantiates distinct classes at different times in virtue of phenotypic changes. OBO_REL_transformation_ofed OBO_REL_transformation_ofs "Relation between two classes, in which instances retain their identity yet change their classification by virtue of some kind of transformation. Formally: C transformation_of C' if and only if given any c and any t, if c instantiates C at time t, then for some t', c instantiates C' at t' and t' earlier t, and there is no t2 such that c instantiates C at t2 and c instantiates C' at t2." [PMID:15892874] OBO_REL_transformation_of hasExtentValueSet1D 1 value (included for completeness, probably best to just use hasFloatValue or hasIntValue). For example, the 1D length of an object of "3.2". Stored as a text string. Value is assumed to be X in a square coordinate system. hasExtentValueSet2D 2 Comma separated values (CSV). For example, the extent of a 2D region (area) "5,10". Stored as a text string. Values are assumed to be X,Y in a square coordinate system. hasExtentValueSet3D 3 Comma separated values (CSV). For example, the extent of a 3D region (volume) "5,5,10". Stored as a text string. Values are assumed to be X,Y,Z in a square coordinate system. hasFloatValue A single floating point number. hasFloatValueTarget A single floating point number representing the target value of a quality or function. hasIntValue A single integer number. hasIntValueTarget A single integer number representing the target value of a quality or function. hasLocationValueSet1D 1 value (included for completeness, probably best to just use hasFloatValue or hasIntValue). For example, the location of a point "3.2". Stored as a text string. hasLocationValueSet2D 2 Comma separated values (CSV). For example, the location of a point "3.2,-34.1". Stored as a text string. hasLocationValueSet3D 3 Comma separated values (CSV). For example, the location of a point "3.2,2.4,-34.1". Stored as a text string. hasLocationValueSetND Comma separated values (CSV) with [CR] end of row markers. Dimension (rows and column counts) not explicitly stated. Assumed that all units are the same. Stored as a text string. hasParameterValueSetND Data is a list of n-tupes (one n-tuple/line) listing values of various kinds. For example, the list of interaction energies between a set of cell types. Comma separated values (CSV) with [CR] end of row markers. The dimensions (number of rows and columns) is not explicitly stated. Stored as a text string. hasPointsValueSetND Data is a list of n-tupes (one n-tuple/line) listing the coordinates of the elements within a set. For example, the list of x,y,z coordinates of a cell in a grid-based coordinate system. Comma separated values (CSV) with [CR] end of row markers. The dimensions (number of rows and columns) is not explicitly stated. Stored as a text string. hasUnit A unit name, for example, "meter", "micrometer*micrometer", "hour". Stored as a text string. hasVTKfieldID 11/9/2012 hasVTKfieldID is a CBO data property that links a field prototype to the character string name used in the VTK files. For example, an oxygen field in the simulaitno will probably be named described inthe VTK file as a field called "oxygen". jps JPS hasVTKtypeID is a CBO data property that links a cell prototype (or other physical entitiy prototype) to the integer ID used in the VTK files. Often, in models that include medium as a CBO:Fill, the value of hasVTKtypeID will be 0 (zero). Note that a VTK "cell" has both a type ID (hasVTKtypeID) and an ID. The type ID identifies the class of cell, the ID identifies the individual cell. Many cells can have the same type ID, no two cells can have the same ID. Both types of IDs are unsigned integers. 10/25/2012 AcceptanceFunction An AcceptanceFunction is a CBO:EnergyFunction describing the acceptance and rejection criteria for a change in the system. A simple AcceptanceFunction might state that all changes to the system which result in a lowering of the systems energy are accepted but all other changes are rejected. jps 24 Aug. 2011 AdhesionEnergy An AdhesionEnergy is a CBO:EnergyQuality representing the energy associated with the contact between two physical objects. jps 24 Aug. 2011 AdhesionMolecule jps urn:miriam:obo.fma:67214 AdhesionMolecule is a CBO:CellMembranePart that is a protein that mediates the adhesion between the Cell and other Cells or components of the extracellular space. MeSH: Surface ligands, usually glycoproteins, that mediate Cell-to-Cell adhesion. Their functions include the assembly and interconnection of various vertebrate Systems, as well as maintenance of tissue integration, wound healing, morphogenic movements, cellular migrations, and metastasis. 24 Aug. 2011 AdhesiveProperty AdhesiveProperty is a CBO:MechanicalProperty that describes an aspect of one of the objects involved in an adhesive force between two entities. For example, the adhesion properties of one Cell in the adhesion between a pair of Cells in contact, or between a Cell and a basement membrane. jps 24 Aug. 2011 Advection CellAdvection Advection is a Movement that is caused by a carrying medium (such as blood) that results in a change in location. jps 29 Oct. 2012 Age Age is a CBO:PhysicalObjectQuality class that describes the chronological or generational Age of a physical object. 24 Aug. 2011 jps Anisotropy 24 Aug. 2011 Anisotropy is a GeometricalProperty describing the directionality of a directionally dependent quality of the object. This is the opposite of CBO:Isotropy. jps ApicalPart ApicalPart is a CBO:CellRegion of a polarized Cell is the region that is closest to the lumen. (Wikipedia)This is particularly evident in epithelial and endothelial cells, but also describes other polarized cells, such as neurons. 24 Aug. 2011 jps Apoptosis jps Apoptosis is a CellDeath characterized by an orderly, and triggered process of cell death. GO: A form of programmed cell death that begins when a cell receives internal or external signals that trigger the activity of proteolytic caspases, proceeds through a series of characteristic stages typically including rounding-up of the cell, retraction of pseudopods, reduction of cellular Volume (pyknosis), chromatin condensation, nuclear fragmentation (karyorrhexis), and plasma membrane blebbing (but maintenance of its integrity until the final stages of the process), and ends with the death of the cell. PATO:0000638 24 Aug. 2011 urn:miriam:obo.go:0006915 AreaEnergy A AreaEnergy is a CBO:EnergyQuality representing the energy associated with a given area entity. jps 24 Aug. 2011 AsymmetricCellDivisionOrientedCleavagePlane jps 24 Aug. 2011 AsymmetricCellDivisionOrientedCleavagePlane is a Mitosis characterized by the Creation of two non-identical daughter cells from a single parent cell. In addition, the cleavage plane of the division process is oriented with respect to either the environment or the characteristics of the parent cell. GO: The asymmetric division of cells to produce two daughter cells with different developmental potentials. It is of fundamental significance for the generation of cell diversity. AsymmetricCellDivisionRandomCleavagePlane AsymmetricCellDivisionRandomCleavagePlane is a Mitosis characterized by the Creation of two non-identical daughter cells from a single parent cell. In addition, the cleavage plane of the division process is oriented randomly with respect to both the environment and the characteristics of the parent cell. GO: The asymmetric division of cells to produce two daughter cells with different developmental potentials. It is of fundamental significance for the generation of cell diversity. 24 Aug. 2011 jps AutophagicDeath urn:miriam:obo.go:0048102 jps AutophagicDeath is a CellDeath characterized by the auto degradation of cellular components. GO: A form of programmed cell death that is accompanied by macroautophagy, which is characterized by the sequestration of cytoplasmic material within autophagosomes for bulk degradation by lysosomes. Autophagic cell death is characterized by lack of chromatin condensation, massive vacuolization of the cytoplasm, and accumulation of (double-membrane) autophagic vacuoles, with little or no uptake by phagocytic cells. 24 Aug. 2011 BarrierCrossing jps BarrierCrossing is a FundamentalPhysicalProcess involving the transfer of an object across a bona fide boundary. For example, diiffusive transfer of a small molecule, such as molecular oxygen, across a cell membrane. For active Transport see CBO:CellImport and CBO:CellExport. 24 Aug. 2011 BasalPart 24 Aug. 2011 BasalPart is a CBO:CellRegion that includes the base of the Cell where the base is generally defined relative to an extraCellular membrane. GO: The region of a Cell situated near the base. For example, in a polarized epithelial Cell, the basal surface rests on the basal lamina that separates the epithelium from other tissue. jps urn:miriam:obo.go:0045178 urn:miriam:obo.fma:72558 BasementLaminaChange 24 Aug. 2011 BasementLaminaChange is an BasementLaminaProcess involving a change in the components or characteristics of the basement lamina components. jps BasementLaminaCreation BasementLaminaCreation is a BasementLaminaProcess involving an increase in the quantity of the basement lamina and its components. 24 Aug. 2011 jps BasementLaminaDeletion 24 Aug. 2011 BasementLaminaDeletion is a BasementLaminaProcess involving a decrease in the quantity of the basement lamina and its components. jps BasementLaminaProcess jps BasementLaminaProcess is an ExtracellularMatrixProcess involving a change in the qualities, or quantity of a basement membrane or its components. 24 Aug. 2011 BasementMembrane GO: A thin layer of dense material found in various animal tissues interposed between the Cells and the adjacent connective tissue. It consists of the basal lamina plus an associated layer of reticulin fibers. urn:miriam:obo.go:0005605 24 Aug. 2011 jps BioEntityType BioEntityType is a CBO_Object for biological concepts such as Cell and ECM. 11/8/2012 jps BodyShape jps BodyShape is a GeometricalProperty describing the spatial (2 or 3 dimensions) Shape of a region of spaced occupied by an object at a particular instant in time. BodyShape may be defined as a locus of point in 3 (or 2) dimensional space, or as a predefined common Shape such as a sphere or cube. 24 Aug. 2011 urn:miriam:opb:'bounded Volume Shape' BoltzmannFactor A BoltzmannFactor is a CBO:EnergyFunction:AcceptanceFunction describing an acceptance criteria that uses a Boltzmann factor. A Boltzmann function accepts all system changes that result in a lowering of the systems total energy. In addition, changes that result in an increase in the systems energy are accepted based on a probability function. The probability function is generally described as being based on the temperature of the system (though the temperature may not be directly related to a physical temepertature.) The form of the Boltzmann factor is: Accept if deltaE is less than zero, where deltaE is the change in energy of the system calculated as the new energy minus the previous energy. If deltaE is greater than zero then accept the change if e^(-1/(k*T*deltaE)) is greater than a randomly choosen number between zero and one. k is Boltzmann's constant (in MKS units 1.38x10^-23 m^2 kg/(s^2 K) ) and T is the Boltzmann temperature (T is greater than zero). 24 Aug. 2011 jps Boundary 24 Aug. 2011 Boundary is a CBO:GeometricalEntity that demarks the interface between two bona fide physical objects. jps subclass of: BFO:snap:object_Boundary BrushBorder 24 Aug. 2011 urn:miriam:obo.fma:70977 A BrushBorder is a CBO:CellMembraneLocalStructure characterized by a highly convoluted Cell surface. GO: Dense covering of microvilli on the apical surface of epithelial Cells in tissues such as the intestine, kidney, and choroid plexus; the microvilli aid absorption by increasing the surface area of the Cell. MeSH: Minute projections of Cell membranes which greatly increase the surface area of the Cell. AKA: Microvilli, Striated Border jps urn:miriam:obo.go:0005903 CBO_Object subclass of: BFO:continuant 24 Aug. 2011 jps CBO_Object is the top level CBO class for physical objects and object qualities. CBO_Object is BFO:continuant (endurant). CBO_Process 24 Aug. 2011 subclass of: BFO:occurrent CBO_Process is the top level CBO class for processes. CBO_Process is BFO:occurant (processual). jps CHASTEcenter CHASTERcenter is a CBO:ComputationalPlatform class describing a particular compuational platform for preforming multicell modeling. See www.cs.ox.ac.uk/chaste/sysbio_index.html jps 23 Jul. 2012 Cell subclass of: BFO:snap:object urn:miriam:obo.clo:0000000 24 Aug. 2011 urn:miriam:obo.fma:68646 jps Cell is a CBO:BioEntityType class for the basic unit of an organism. A Cell includes at least the plasma membrane and the cytosol. GO: The basic structural and functional unit of all organisms. urn:miriam:obo.go:0005623 CellAdhesion 24 Aug. 2011 urn:miriam:obo.go:0007155 CellAdhesion is a CellEnvironmentProcess involving the adhesive interaction between a cell and some other physical object (another cell, basement membrane etc.). Note that adhesion is distinct from contact (see CBO:CellContact) but that adhesion requires contact. PATO:0001531 jps CellAdvection jps CellAdvection is a CellMovement that is caused by a carrying medium (such as blood) that results in a change in location, defined by the center of mass or center of Volume, of a cell. 24 Aug. 2011 CellBasementLaminaContact jps CellBasementLaminaContact is a CellNonCellContact involving the direct contact between a cell and a basement membrane. Note that contact is a distinct process from adhesion (see CBO:CellAdhesion). 24 Aug. 2011 CellBasementMembraneAdhesion 24 Aug. 2011 CellBasementMembraneAdhesion is a CellNonCellAdhesion involving the adhesive interaction between a cell and a basement membrane. Note that adhesion is distinct from contact (see CBO:CellContact) but that adhesion requires contact. jps CellBorder jps CellBorder is a CBO:CellPart consisting of the outer Boundary of the Cell, that is, the surface that delineates the Cell from the surroundings. Depending on the species and phyla the CellBorder may be either a CBO:CellMembrane or a CBO: CellWall. 24 Aug. 2011 CellCellAdhesion CellCellAdhesion is a CellAdhesion involving the adhesive interaction between two cells. Note that adhesion is a distinct process from contact (see CBO:CellContact) but that adhesion requires contact. PATO:0001531 24 Aug. 2011 urn:miriam:obo.go:0016337 jps CellCellContact 24 Aug. 2011 jps CellCellContact is a CellContact involving the direct physical contact between two cells. Note that contact is distinct from adhesion (see CBO:CellAdhesion). CellCellProcess jps 24 Aug. 2011 CellCellProcess is a CellProcess in which the interaction between two cells leads to a change in characteristic or behavior of one or both of the cells. CellContact subclass of: BFO:span:fiat_process_part 24 Aug. 2011 jps CellContact is a CellEnvironmentProcess involving the direct physical contact between a cell and some other physical object (another cell, basement membrane etc.). Note that contact is distinct from adhesion (see CBO:CellAdhesion). CellDeath jps CellDeath is an existential_CellProcess in involving the death of a cell. The cell count in the system is decreased by one and there may or may not be cellular fragments left behind. 24 Aug. 2011 urn:miriam:obo.go:0008219 CellDifferentiation CellDifferentiation is an existential_CellProcess in which the type (CBO:Phenotype) of a cell is changed. jps 24 Aug. 2011 CellDisplacement 24 Aug. 2011 CellDisplacement is a CellMovement that results in a change in the location, defined by the center of mass or center of Volume, of a cell. jps CellDivision urn:miriam:obo.go:0051301 jps 24 Aug. 2011 CellDivision is an ExistentialCellProcess involving the Creation of two new cells (daughters) from a single parent cell. GO: The process resulting in the physical partitioning and separation of a cell into daughter cells. CellEnvironmentProcess 24 Aug. 2011 CellEnvironmentProcess is an ExistentialCellProcess involving the interaction between a cell and a component of the environment, where the environment includes other cells. For example, adhesion of a cell to a basement membrane. jps CellExport 24 Aug. 2011 jps CellExport is a CellRelatedTransport involving Movement of an entity across the cell membrane from the inside of the cell to the outside of the cell. For passive (e.g., diffusive) Transport see CBO:BarrierCrossing. CellFusion jps urn:miriam:obo.go:0000768 CellFusion is an existential_CellProcess involving the merging of two or more cells into a single giant cell containing multiple nuclei. GO: The formation of a syncytium, a mass of cytoplasm containing several nuclei enclosed within a single plasma membrane, by the fusion of the plasma membranes of two or more individual cells. 24 Aug. 2011 CellGrowth jps subclass of: BFO:span:fiat_process_part CellGrowth is a CellProcess that changes the Volume of a cell. CellGrowth includes both an increase and a decrease in the cell's Volume. (Similar to, but here specific to a CBO:Cell) to CBO:VolumeChange. This definition differs from that in GO:0016049 The process in which a cell irreversibly increases in size over time by accretion and biosynthetic production of matter similar to that already present. urn:miriam:obo.go:0016049 24 Aug. 2011 PATO:0001489 CellImport CellImport is a CellRelatedTransport involving Movement of an entity across the cell membrane from the outside of the cell to the inside of the cell. For passive (e.g., diffusive) Transport see CBO:BarrierCrossing. jps 24 Aug. 2011 CellInterstitialMatrixAdhesion 24 Aug. 2011 CellInterstitialMatrixAdhesion is a CellNonCellAdhesion involving the adhesive interaction between a cell and the interstitial matrix. Note that adhesion is distinct from contact (see CBO:CellContact) but that adhesion requires contact. jps CellInterstitialMatrixContact CellInterstitialMatrixContact is a CellNonCellContact involving the direct contact between a cell and a component of the interstitial matrix. Note that contact is a distinct process from adhesion (see CBO:CellAdhesion). 24 Aug. 2011 jps CellMembrane urn:miriam:obo.fma:63841 urn:miriam:obo.go:0005886 24 Aug. 2011 jps CellMembrane is a CBO:CellBorder consisting of (MeSH) the lipid- and protein-containing, selectively permeable membrane that surrounds the Cytoplasm in prokaryotic and eukaryotic Cells. CellMembraneLocalStructure jps 24 Aug. 2011 A CellMembraneLocalStructure is a CBO_Object that includes the various topological patterns found, often transiently, on Cell walls. For example, filopodia. MeSH: Specialized structures of the Cell that extend the Cell membrane and project out from the Cell surface. GO: A prolongation or process extending from a Cell, e.g. a flagellum or axon. subclass of: BFO:snap:specifically_dependent_continuant urn:miriam:obo.go:0042995 CellMembranePart jps urn:miriam:obo.go:0044459 24 Aug. 2011 subclass of: BFO:snap:specifically_dependent_continuant CellMembranePart is a CBO:CellPart class that includes the various proteinaceous parts commonly found on a Cell membrane. Note that this class does not include topological features such as axons or filopodia. GO: plasma membrane part; Any constituent part of the plasma membrane, the membrane surrounding a Cell that separates the Cell from its external environment. CellMotility urn:miriam:obo.go:0048870 jps CellMotility is a CellMovement involving an Energy dependent self-propelled displacement of a cell's center of mass or center of volume. GO: Any process involved in the controlled self-propelled Movement of a cell that results in translocation of the cell from one place to another. 24 Aug. 2011 CellMovement jps CellMovement is a GeometricalCellProcess that results in a change in the location or orientation of a cell. Note that this definition is incompatible with GO:0006928 cell Movement. 24 Aug. 2011 CellNonCellAdhesion 24 Aug. 2011 urn:miriam:obo.go:0031589 CellNonCellAdhesion is a CellAdhesion involving the adhesive interaction between a cell and another physical object where the second object is not itself a cell. Note that adhesion is distinct from contact (see CBO:CellContact) but that adhesion requires contact. jps CellNonCellContact jps 24 Aug. 2011 CellNonCellContact is a CellContact involving direct physical contact between a cell and another physical object where the second object is not itself a cell. Note that contact is a distinct process from adhesion (see CBO:CellAdhesion). CellOrientationChange CellOrientationChange is a GeometricalCellProcess that changes the relationship between the cell's internal axis and the environments axis. For example, a change in the alignment between a cell's apical-basal axis and the organismal animal-vegetal axis. jps 24 Aug. 2011 CellPart subclass of: BFO:snap:specifically_dependent_continuant jps 24 Aug. 2011 urn:miriam:obo.fma:61764 CellPart is a CBO_Object including any constituent part of a Cell. CellProcess 24 Aug. 2011 jps CellProcess is a CBO_Process (snap:process) describing a process characteristic of a CBO:Cell. subclass of: BFO:span:process CellRegion CellRegion is a CBL:GeometricalEntity class that includes descriptors for various fiat regions. (A fiat region generally does not have clear boundaries.) 24 Aug. 2011 jps subclass of: BFO:snap:fiat_object_part CellRelatedTransport CellRelatedTransport is a CellEnvironmentProcess involving Movement of an entity across the cell's membrane. The moving entity becomes contained in the cell but is not partOf the cell. CellRelatedTransport includes active and selective processes. For passive (e.g., diffusive) Transport see CBO:BarrierCrossing. jps urn:miriam:obo.go:0006810 24 Aug. 2011 CellRotation urn:miriam:obo.pato:0001599 CellRotation is a CellMovement resulting in a Rotation of a cell about it center (center of mass or center of Volume). jps 24 Aug. 2011 CellShapeChange 24 Aug. 2011 jps CellShapeChange is a GeometricalCellProcess that results in a change in Shape of the bounding surface of the cell defined by the cell wall or cell membrane. CellState 24 Aug. 2011 A CellState is aCBO_Object (BFO:snap:continuant:dependent_continuant:specifically_dependent_continuant:quality) describing the biological state of a cell at a particular time. CellState includes concepts such as "quiescent", "growing", "necrotic" (dying) etc. subclass of: BFO:snap:quality jps CellVolumeChange deprecated jps 24 Aug. 2011 CellWall urn:miriam:obo.go:0005618 24 Aug. 2011 CellWall is a CBO:CellBorder consisting of (MeSH) the outermost layer of a Cell in most PLANTS; BACTERIA; FUNGI; and ALGAE. The Cell wall is usually a rigid structure that lies external to the Cell MEMBRANE, and provides a protective barrier against physical or chemical agents. (GO) The rigid or semi-rigid envelope lying outside the Cell membrane of plant, fungal, and most prokaryotic Cells, maintaining their Shape and protecting them from osmotic lysis. In plants it is made of Cellulose and, often, lignin; in fungi it is composed largely of polysaccharides; in bacteria it is composed of peptidoglycan. It is unclear if CellWall is a CellPart of if CellWall should be classified as a type of extracellular matrix. Is a particular portion of CellWall "owned" by a single cell or is it "owned" and maintained by the two or more cells on either side? jps CellularChemicalProcess 24 Aug. 2011 jps CellularChemicalProcess is a CellEnvironmentProcess in which an environmental (local) chemical (or chemical gradient) changes a process or quality of a cell. CellularElectricalProcess CellularElectricalProcess is a CellEnvironmentProcess that results in a change in an electrical quality of the cell. jps 24 Aug. 2011 CellularKineticProcess jps 24 Aug. 2011 CellularKineticProcess is a CellularPropertyProcess that changes a kinetic dependence. CellularMechanicalProcess CellularMechanicalProcess is a CellularPropertyProcess that results in a change in a mechanical property of a cell. 24 Aug. 2011 jps CellularPropertyProcess jps CellularPropertyProcess is a CellProcess that results in a change in a property of a cell. For example, CellMovement changes the property of location. 24 Aug. 2011 CenterModelPlatform 23 Jul. 2012 CenterModelPlatform is a CBO:ComputationalPlatformQuality class for computational platforms which describe a cell (or other CBO:CorpuscularEntity) primarily as the center point of an object. The extent of the object are described by other characteristics and often the complete extent of an object can only be described by reference to other (adjacent) objects. Unlike DiscreteModelPlatform a CenterModelPlatform does not impose a regular grid on the location of objects and does not contain pixels/voxels. jps CenterOfMass 24 Aug. 2011 The CenterOfMass is a CBO:position that describes the center of Mass of a spatially extended object at a particular time. The CenterOfMass inherits the CBO:Dimensionality of the particular object or CBO:Dimensionality of the CBO:System object. See also CenterOfVolume which may be, for practical purposes, identical. jps CenterOfVolume The CenterOfVolume is a CBO:position that describes the center of Volume of a spatially extended object at a particular time. The CenterOfVolume inherits the CBO:Dimensionality of the particular object or CBO:Dimensionality of the CBO:System object. See also CenterOfMass which may be, for practical purposes, identical. 24 Aug. 2011 jps Charge jps Charge is a CBO:ElectricalProperty describing the overall electrical charge of an entitiy. PATO: A molecular quality that inheres in a molecular entity by virtue of the overall electric charge of the molecule, which is due to a comparison between the total number of electrons and the total number of protons. 24 Aug. 2011 urn:miriam:obo:pato:0002193 urn:miriam:opb:'Charge amount' ChemicalAffinity ChemicalAffinity is a ChemicalProperty that describes an affinity (atraction, repulsion) between a molecule and another object. jps 24 Aug. 2011 ChemicalDensity jps ChemicalDensity is a ChemicalProperty that describes the concentration (mass or number of molecules) per unit volume. 24 Aug. 2011 ChemicalLocalization 24 Aug. 2011 ChemicalLocalization is a ChemicalProperty that describes a tendency for the chemical species to localize in a particular region (e.g., cell membrane). jps ChemicalPattern 24 Aug. 2011 jps ChemicalPattern is a ChemicalProperty that describes a tendency for the chemical species to organize or partition in a particular pattern. ChemicalPatternGradient jps ChemicalPatternGradient is a ChemicalPattern that describes a tendency for the chemical species to organize or partition in a particular pattern that includes a gradient in concentration. 24 Aug. 2011 ChemicalProperty 24 Aug. 2011 ChemicalProperty is a CBO:PhysicalObjectQuality class that includes a variety of parameters describing the physical behavior of chemicals ChemicalProperty(ies) are intrinsic to the object. jps Chemotaxis urn:miriam:obo.go:0006935 Chemotaxis is a CellMovement in which an Energy dependent process gives a directed Movement of the cell relative to an external gradient. GO: The directed Movement of a motile cell or organism, or the directed growth of a cell guided by a specific chemical concentration gradient. Movement may be towards a higher concentration (positive Chemotaxis) or towards a lower concentration (negative Chemotaxis). urn:miriam:obo.go:0060326 24 Aug. 2011 jps Compucell3D 23 Jul. 2012 Compucell3D is a CBO:ComputationalPlatform class describing a particular compuational platform for preforming multicell modeling. See www.Compucell3D.org jps ComputationalPlatform jps ComputationalPlatform is a SystemQuality class describing a particular computational platform. 23 Jul. 2012 ComputationalPlatformQuality jps 27 Jul. 2012 ComputationalPlatformQuality is a CBO class describing qualities of computational platforms for preforming multicell modeling. ContactSurfaceArea jps ContactSurfaceArea is a CBO:GeometricalProperty describing the scalar value of two objects contact surface area at a particular instant in time. 24 Aug. 2011 DiscreteModelPlatform DiscreteModelPlatform is a CBO:ComputationalPlatformQuality class for computational platforms which describe a cell (or other CBO:CorpuscularEntity) in a discretized coordinate system (a regular grid) of voxels or pixels. Unlike DiscreteModelPlatform a jps 23 Jul. 2012 ContinuousEntity A ContinuousEntity is a PhysicalEntityType (BFO:snap:object) that has a particular extent at a particular time but which also may extend beyond the limits of the view or model. ContinuousEntities are spatially exclusive and do not overlap. Unlike a CorpuscularEntity, a ContinuousEntity is geometrically divisible without a fundamental change in characteristics, qualities or identity. For example, a portion of a basement membrane, Cell wall, or medium (e.g., water). jps 24 Aug. 2011 ContinuousExtent jps ContinousExtent is a CBO:ExtentGeometrical for a position, Location, or otherwise positionaly sensitive quantity in an infinitely finely grained coordinate System. Compare with DiscreteExtent. 24 Aug. 2011 Contraction 24 Aug. 2011 Contraction is a VolumeChange resulting in a decrease in Volume occupied by an object. jps CorpuscularEntity jps A CorpuscularEntity is a PhysicalEntityType (BFO:snap:object) that has a particular Location and Volume at a particular time. Corpuscular_entities are spatially exclusive and do not overlap. Furthermore, a CorpuscularEntity is not divisible without a fundamental change in characteristics, qualities or identity. For example, an individual Cell. 24 Aug. 2011 Creation 24 Aug. 2011 Creation is a FundamentalPhysicalProcess resulting in the Creation of a new object. Often this will involve an increase in count of an object. jps Cytoplasm 24 Aug. 2011 FMA: Cell component which consists of cytosol and Cytoplasmic organelles. jps Deletion jps Deletion is a FundamentalPhysicalProcess resulting in the Deletion of an object. Often this will involve a decrease in count of an object. 24 Aug. 2011 DiffuseEntity A DiffuseEntity is a PhysicalEntityType (BFO:snap:object) that spans a particular extent at a particular time but is not spatially exclusive and may, and generally does, overlap with other PhysicalEntityTypes at a particular time. In addition, a DiffuseEntity may be described as having a position dependent concentration or density function. Unlike a CorpuscularEntity, a ContinuousEntity is geometrically divisible without a fundamental change in characteristics or identity. A DiffuseEntity may be restricted to exist along with another PhysicalEntityType, such as the case of a cell membrane bound receptor (DiffuseEntity) distributed on the cell membrane of a particular cell (a CorpuscularEntity). For example, a portion of a chemical field distributed across the interstitial space of a region. 24 Aug. 2011 jps Diffusion 24 Aug. 2011 Diffusion is a Movement arising from random motion, either thermal or motive (cf. motility), of an object. jps Dimension1d urn:miriam:opb:'One dimensional spatial coordinate System' jps Dimension1d is a CBO:Dimensionality quality for a System with one spatial dimension. 24 Aug. 2011 Dimension2d jps Dimension2d is a CBO:Dimensionality quality for a System with two spatial dimensions. 24 Aug. 2011 urn:miriam:opb:'Two dimensional spatial coordinate System' Dimension3d jps urn:miriam:opb:'Three dimensional spatial coordinate System' Dimension3d is a CBO:Dimensionality quality for a System with three spatial dimensions. 24 Aug. 2011 Dimensionality 24 Aug. 2011 Dimensionality is a CBO:GeometricalProperty that describes the number of independent spatial axis in a model or System. jps urn:miriam:opb:'Spatial coordinate System' DiscreteExtent DiscreteExtent is a CBO:ExtentGeometrical for a position, Location, or otherwise positionally sensitive quantity in a finitely grained coordinate System. Compare with ContinuousExtent. jps 24 Aug. 2011 Divisible 24 Aug. 2011 jps A Divisible quality is a CBO:PhysicalObjectQuality for objects which can be divided, conceptually or for ease of representation, without a fundamental change in the character or qualites of the object. For example, the fluid (medium, CBO:ExtraCellularFluid) surronding a cell. Physical objects with the Divisible quality can often be treated as portionsOf, the individual protions behave as does the bulk object with only changes in, for example, the location, extent and identifier for the portionOfs. Dorsal urn:miriam:obo.fma:74535 Dorsal is a CBO:OrganismalRegion characteristic of the back of an object relative to the body it is contained in. For example Dorsal fin. jps 24 Aug. 2011 ElectricalProperty 24 Aug. 2011 jps urn:miriam:opb:'Electrical entity' ElectricalProperty is a CBO:PhysicalObjectQuality class that includes a variety of parameters describing the electrical qualities of objects. ElectricalProperty are intrinsic to the object. ElectromechanicalField 8/1/2012 A ElectromechanicalField is a CBO:Field class for the description of electric and mechanical fields that span a particular extent at a particular time but is not spatially exclusive and may, and generally does, overlap with other PhysicalEntityTypes at a particular time. In addition, a ElectromechanicalField may be described as having a position dependent concentration or density function. Unlike a CBO:Cell, a ElectromechanicalField is geometrically divisible without a fundamental change in characteristics or identity. (Division down to the scale of an individual molecule is outside the distance scale covered by the CBO.) A ElectromechanicalField may be restricted to a particular region or part of a physical object (CBO:PhysicalEntityType:CorpuscularEntity or CBO:PhysicalEntityType:ContinousEntity), such as the case of a transmembrane electrical field. jps Energy 24 Aug. 2011 An Energy is a CBO:PhysicalObjectQuality is the Energy of the object for which it is a quality. urn:miriam:opb:'Energy amount' jps EnergyFunction jps subclass of: BFO:snap:quality 24 Aug. 2011 An EnergyFunction is a CBO_Object (BFO:snap:continuant:dependent_continuant:specifically_dependent_continuant:quality) describing the mathematical form used to define a particular EnergyQuality. EnergyQuality 24 Aug. 2011 subclass of: BFO:snap:quality jps A EnergyQuality is a CBO_Object (BFO:snap:continuant:dependent_continuant:specifically_dependent_continuant:quality) of the energy qualities of physical objects. For example, the energy of a particular cell, at a particular cell in a particular environment. ExistentialCellProcesses 24 Aug. 2011 ExistentialCellProcesses is a CellProcess that is assumed, without formal proof, to be a process of a cell. jps Expansion Expansion is a VolumeChange resulting in an increase in Volume occupied by an object. jps 24 Aug. 2011 ExtentGeometrical 24 Aug. 2011 ExtentGeometrical is a CBO:GeometricalProperty that describes the basic granularity of the coordinate System. jps ExtraCellularFluid ExtracellularFluid is a CBO:BioEntityType for the fluids that exist outsides of cells. MeSH: The fluid of the body that is outside of Cells. It is the external environment for the Cells. subclass of: BFO:snap:object jps 24 Aug. 2011 ExtraCellularMatrix subclass of: BFO:snap:object 24 Aug. 2011 ExtraCellularMatrix is a CBO:BioEntityType that includes all physical entities that are discrete (though possible of considerable extent) that are distinct from Cell and media. The ExtraCellularMatrix provides support and restricts movement of objects. urn:miriam:obo.fma:9672 urn:miriam:obo.go:0031012 jps ExtracellularMatrixProcess jps ExtracellularMatrixProcess is a CBO_Process involving a change in the qualities, or quantity of extracellular matrix and its components. subclass of: BFO:span:process 24 Aug. 2011 jps 19 Jul. 2012 A Field is a CBO_Object for the description of entities that span a particular extent at a particular time but are not spatially exclusive and may, and generally do, overlap with other PhysicalEntityTypes at a particular time. In addition, a Field may be described as having a position dependent concentration, density or value function. Unlike a CBO:Cell, a Field is geometrically divisible without a fundamental change in characteristics or identity. (Division down to the scale of an individual molecule is outside the distance scale covered by the CBO.) A Field may be restricted to a particular region or part of a physical object (CBO:PhysicalEntityType:CorpuscularEntity or CBO:PhysicalEntityType:ContinousEntity), such as the case of an electromagnetic field. Or, a portion of a chemical field distributed across the interstitial space of a region. FieldProcess jps FieldProcess is a CBO_Process (snap:process) describing a process characteristic of a CBO:Field. 11/8/2012 FieldQuality A FieldQuality is a CBO_Object (BFO:snap:continuant:dependent_continuant:specifically_dependent_continuant:quality) of the qualities of field objects. BFO uses QUALITY, OPB uses PROPERTY. For example, quality is a characteristic of a physical object such as Location, Volume, Energy, type etc. 11/8/2012 jps Fill jps 24 Aug. 2011 A Fill quality is a CBO:PhysicalObjectQuality for objects that can be understood to fill all available space. An object with the Fill quality also has the SpatialExclusive quality. Examples include the medium (CBO:ExtraCellularFluid) or the air inside the lungs. Filopodium A Filopodium is a CBO:CellMembraneLocalStructure and is a thin, stiff Protrusion extended by the leading edge of a motile Cell such as a crawling fibroblast or amoeba, or an axonal growth cone. GO: Thin, stiff Protrusion extended by the leading edge of a motile Cell such as a crawling fibroblast or amoeba, or an axonal growth cone; usually approximately 0.1 um wide, 5-10 um long, can be up to 50 um long in axon growth cones; contains a loose bundle of about 20 actin filaments oriented with their plus ends pointing outward. MeSH: A dynamic actin-rich extension of the surface of an animal Cell used for locomotion or prehension of food. AKA: Axopodia, Filopodia, Lamellipodia, Lobopodia, Pseudopodium, Reticulopodia jps urn:miriam:obo.go:0030175 24 Aug. 2011 FirstOrderRate jps 24 Aug. 2011 A FirstOrderRate is a CBO:RateFunction describing the mathematical form used to define a first order rate of change of a quality with respect to time. For quality n; dn/dt=k*n, where k is the rate constant. Fission jps 24 Aug. 2011 Fission is an ExistentialCellProcess of bacterial cells resulting in the Creation of two daughter cells from a single parent cell. Fission is specific to bacterial cells. FundamentalPhysicalProcess A FundamentalPhysicalProcess is a CBO_Process (snap:Process) that changes a quality or characteristic of an object. urn:miriam:dummy:1 24 Aug. 2011 urn:miriam:dummy:3 urn:miriam:dummy:2 jps subclass of: BFO:span:process GapJunction GapJunction is a CBO:CellMembranePart that acts as a connection between, and adhesion mediator, between two Cells. In addition, the gap allows for the transfer of small Molecules (hence information) between two adjacent Cells. MeSH: Connections between Cells which allow passage of small Molecules and electric current. Gap junctions were first described anatomically as regions of close apposition between Cells with a narrow (1-2 nm) gap between Cell membranes. The variety in the properties of gap junctions is reflected in the number of CONNEXINS, the family of proteins which form the junctions. urn:miriam:obo.fma:67423 jps urn:miriam:obo.go:0005921 24 Aug. 2011 GenerationalAge GenerationalAge is a CBO:Age that describes the number of generations that have passed for a particular Cell within its lineage. For example, a mesenchymal Cell derived from a stem cell would have GenerationalAge equal to one. When that mesenchymal cell divides both daughter cells would have GenerationalAge of 2. GO:0001302 replicative cell aging, namespace: biological_process def: The process associated with progression of the Cell from its inception to the end of its lifespan that occurs as the Cell continues cycles of growth and division. jps 24 Aug. 2011 urn:miriam:obo.go:0001302 GeometricalCellProcess GeometricalCellProcess is a CellularPropertyProcess that results in a change in the geometry of a cell. jps 24 Aug. 2011 GeometricalEntity jps subclass of: BFO:snap:independent_continuant GeometricalEntity is a CBO_Object for sub-regions and boundaries of objects. The regions, and boundaries, may be fiat or bona fide regions. 24 Aug. 2011 GeometricalProperty 24 Aug. 2011 GeometricalProperty are CBO:physical_object_qualities that define the geometrical qualities of an object at a particular time. This includes the Shape, extents, position etc. of an abject. jps GradientTexture 24 Aug. 2011 GradientTexture is a CBO:Texture consisting of a Texture description that varies smoothly across one or more dimensions. jps Hamiltonian A Hamiltonian is a CBO:PhysicalObjectQuality is the total energy associated with a physical object. The Hamiltonian is the algebraic sum of the energies associated with the physical object. jps 24 Aug. 2011 Haptotaxis Haptotaxis is a CellMovement in which an Energy dependent process gives a directed Movement of the cell relative to an external matrix such as interstitial fibrils or a basement membrane. 24 Aug. 2011 jps HarmonicEnergy jps A HarmonicEnergy function is a CBO:EnergyFunction describing the mathematical form used to define a harmonic relationship used to calculate a particular energyQuality. The equation is of the form E = k(target value - current value)^2, where k is a scaling canstant and target value and current value are qualities of a particular physical object. This HarmonicEnergy function is Hooke's Law in the energy domain. 24 Aug. 2011 InterentityExport 24 Aug. 2011 InterentityExport is an InterentityTransport of an object across a bona fide boundary in which the Transporting entity is moving out of another object. For example, from inside of a bone to the outside of the bone. jps InterentityImport jps 24 Aug. 2011 InterentityImport is an InterentityTransport of an object across a bona fide boundary in which the Transporting entity is moving into (containedIn) another object. For example, from the space outside of a bone to within the bone. InterentityTransport InterentityTransport is a Transport of an object across a bona fide boundary. For example, from within a bone to the space outside the bone. jps subclass of: BFO:span:process 24 Aug. 2011 InterstitialMatrix GO: A type of extracellular matrix found in interstitial connective tissue, characterized by the presence of fibronectins, proteoglycans, and types I, III, V, VI, VII and XII collagens. 24 Aug. 2011 jps urn:miriam:obo.go:0005614 InterstitialMatrixChange jps InterstitialMatrixChange is an InterstitialMatrixProcess involving a change in the components or characteristics of the interstitial matrix components. 24 Aug. 2011 InterstitialMatrixCreation 24 Aug. 2011 InterstitialMatrixCreation is an InterstitialMatrixProcess involving an increase in the quantity of the interstitial matrix and its components. jps InterstitialMatrixDeletion InterstitialMatrixDeletion is an InterstitialMatrixProcess involving a decrease in the quantity of the interstitial matrix and its components. jps 24 Aug. 2011 InterstitialMatrixProcess InterstitialMatrixProcess is an ExtracellularMatrixProcess involving a change in the qualities, or quantity of interstitial matrix and its components. jps 24 Aug. 2011 IntraentityTransport IntraentityTransport is a Transport of an entity from one place within a containing object to another place within the same object. For example, Movement of an mRNA from the nucleus to the cytosol. jps 24 Aug. 2011 IonChannel urn:miriam:obo.go:0022831 An IonChannel is a CBO:CellMembranePart that is a membrane bound protein that transfers ions across the Cell membrane against the natural diffusion gradient direction or transfers an ion across a membrane that would normally be impervious to the ion. MeSH: Membrane proteins whose primary function is to facilitate the transport of Molecules across a biological membrane. Included in this broad category are proteins involved in active transport ( BIOLOGICAL TRANSPORT, ACTIVE), facilitated transport and ION CHANNELS. GO: Enables the transport of a solute across a membrane via a narrow pore channel that opens in response to a particular stimulus. 24 Aug. 2011 jps IsApoptotic IsApoptotic is a CBO:CellState describing a biological state of apoptotic (programmed) dying of a cell at a particular time. This is a boolean (true/false) concept. jps 24 Aug. 2011 IsDebris IsDebris is a CBO:CellState describing a biologicaly dead cell at a particular time. IsDebris is used to represent the material left over after a cell dies. This is a boolean (true/false) concept. jps 24 Aug. 2011 IsGrowing 24 Aug. 2011 IsGrowing is a CBO:CellState describing a biological state of a cell that is growing at a particular time. This is a boolean (true/false) concept. jps IsHypoxic 24 Aug. 2011 jps IsHypoxic is a CBO:CellState describing a biological state of oxygen deprivation of a cell at a particular time. This is a boolean (true/false) concept. Also known as anoxic or anoxia. IsNecrotic 24 Aug. 2011 jps IsNerotic is a CBO:CellState describing a biological state of dying of a cell at a particular time. This is a boolean (true/false) concept. See also IsApoptotic. IsQuiescent jps 24 Aug. 2011 IsQuiescent is a CBO:CellState describing a biological state of resting (minimal growth or other characteristic cellular processing) of a cell at a particular time. This is a boolean (true/false) concept. Isotropy jps Isotropy is a GeometricalProperty describing the lack of a directionality of a directionally dependent quality of the object. This is the opposite of CBO:Anisotropy. 24 Aug. 2011 KineticProperty urn:miriam:opb:'Kinetic manifestation' 24 Aug. 2011 KineticProperty is a CBO:PhysicalObjectQuality describing a kinetic characteristic of an object. jps LJ_6_12Energy jps 24 Aug. 2011 A LJ_6_12Energy function is a CBO:EnergyFunction describing the mathematical form used to define a Leonard-Jones energy potential used to calculate a particular energyQuality. The equation is of the form E = e((rm/r)^12 - 2(rm/r)^6), where e is the depth of the potential well, rm is the value of the quality at which the potential is a mimimum and r is the current value of the quality. LateralPart 24 Aug. 2011 jps LateralPart is a CBO:CellRegion that is between the CBO:BasalPart and CBO:LateralPart. LinearEnergy 24 Aug. 2011 jps A LinearEnergy function is a CBO:EnergyFunction describing the mathematical form used to define a linear relationship used to calculate a particular energyQuality. The equation is of the form E = mX + b, where m is a scaling constant, X is the value quality of a particular physical object and b is an offset. A LinearEnergy fucntion is often used to describe the energy of adhesions between, for example, two cells. For cell-cell adhesion m might represent the cell type(s) specific adhesion energy and X the contact area between the two cells. Location jps 24 Aug. 2011 Location is a GeometricalProperty of a mathematical point. Depending on the CBO:Dimensionality of the System this may have one, two or three dataProperty values. AKA: position Mass Mass is a CBO:PhysicalObjectQuality describing the Mass of the object. PATO:0000125 24 Aug. 2011 jps urn:miriam:opb:'Discrete solid Mass' MechanicalProperty jps MechanicalProperty is a CBO:PhysicalObjectQuality class that includes a variety of parameters describing the physical behavior of objects. MechanicalProperty(ies) are intrinsic to the object. 24 Aug. 2011 MedialPart MedialPart is a CBO:CellRegion located near the center of the Cell. 24 Aug. 2011 jps Meiosis 24 Aug. 2011 urn:miriam:obo.go:0007126 jps Meiosis is a CellDivision specific to meiotic cells. GO: A cell cycle process comprising the steps by which a cell progresses through the nuclear division phase of a meiotic cell cycle, the specialized nuclear and cell division in which a single diploid cell undergoes two nuclear divisions following a single round of DNA replication in order to produce four daughter cells that contain half the number of chromosomes as the diploid cell. Meiotic division occurs during the formation of gametes from diploid organisms and at the beginning of haplophase in those organisms that alternate between diploid and haploid generations. MembraneReceptor jps MembraneReceptor is a CBO:CellMembranePart that is a protein embedded in the CellMembrane that interacts with extracellular Molecules. Binding (or occupancy) of the receptor results in a signal to the Cell. A protein Molecule (or assembly of proteins) that is permanently attached or firmly anchored in the plasma membrane via its hydrophobic domains interacting with the membrane phospholipids which can transfer information from the Cell exterior to its interior. 24 Aug. 2011 MinimizationAcceptanceFunction A MinimizationAcceptanceFunction is a CBO:EnergyFunction:AcceptanceFunction describing an acceptance criteria that requires that the energy of the new state is less than the energy of the previous state. jps 24 Aug. 2011 Mitosis 24 Aug. 2011 urn:miriam:obo.go:0007067 jps Mitosis is a CellDivision resulting in the Creation of two daughter cells from a single parent cell. Mitosis is specific to eukaryotic cells. GO: A cell cycle process comprising the steps by which the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell divides; the process involves condensation of chromosomal DNA into a highly compacted form. Canonically, Mitosis produces two daughter nuclei whose chromosome complement is identical to that of the parent cell. MolecularField A MolecularField is a CBO:Field class for the description of moleules (or sets of molecules) that spans a particular extent at a particular time but is not spatially exclusive and may, and generally does, overlap with other PhysicalEntityTypes at a particular time. In addition, a MolecularField may be described as having a position dependent concentration or density function. Unlike a CBO:Cell, a MolecularField is geometrically divisible without a fundamental change in characteristics or identity. (Division down to the scale of an individual molecule is outside the distance scale covered by the CBO.) A MolecularField may be restricted to a particular region or part of a physical object (CBO:PhysicalEntityType:CorpuscularEntity or CBO:PhysicalEntityType:ContinousEntity), such as the case of a cell membrane bound receptor molecule distributed on the cell membrane of a particular cell (a CorpuscularEntity). Or, a portion of a chemical field distributed across the interstitial space of a region. jps 24 Aug. 2011 subclass of: BFO:snap:object MolecularTargeting jps 24 Aug. 2011 urn:miriam:obo.go:0006605 MolecularTargeting is an IntraentityTransport in which a molecule is actively directed from one place in a cell to another. Molecule subclass of: BFO:snap:object 24 Aug. 2011 Molecule is a CBO:BioEntityType class OPB: ...that is a polyatomic entity. urn:miriam:opb:'Molecule' jps MoleculeBarrierCrossing 24 Aug. 2011 jps MoleculeBarrierCrossing is a MoleculeProcess describing the transfer of a molecule across a bona fide boundary such as a basement membrane or a cell wall. MoleculeChange jps MoleculeChange is a MoleculeProcess that results in a phenotypic change in the molecule. For example, changes in the ionization state of an acid. 24 Aug. 2011 MoleculeCreation MoleculeCreation is a MoleculeProcess that results in the Creation of a new molecule or an increase in a molecule's concentration. jps 24 Aug. 2011 MoleculeDeletion 24 Aug. 2011 MoleculeDeletion is a MoleculeProcess that results in the Deletion of a molecule, or a decrease in a molecule's concentration. jps MoleculeDiffusion MoleculeDiffusion is a MoleculeProcess in which a molecule passively diffuses through the medium, a cell cytosol of the interstitial space. For Diffusion across a bone fide boundary see CBO:MoleculeBarrierCrossing. subclass of: BFO:span:fiat_process_part jps 24 Aug. 2011 MoleculeMoleculeAdhesion jps 24 Aug. 2011 MoleculeMoleculeAdhesion is a MoleculeProcess that describes the interaction Energy (or interaction equilibrium) between a pair of molecules. The molecules may be of the same or different types. One or both of the molecules may be associated with another object. For example, the adhesive interaction between a pair of cellular adhesion molecules each located (embedded, bound) to the cell membranes of different cells. MoleculeProcess 24 Aug. 2011 MoleculeProcess is a CBO_Process that involves a molecule. jps subclass of: BFO:span:process Movement 24 Aug. 2011 jps Movement is a FundamentalPhysicalProcess resulting in the change in location or Shape of a physical object. subclass of: BFO:span:fiat_process_part MovementField 24 Aug. 2011 MovementField is a CBO:PhysicalObjectProperty describing the movement of a physical object or aggregate of physical objects. For example, blood flow through a blood vessel is a MovementField capable of carrying physical objects such as cells. jps Necrosis jps Necrosis is a CellDeath caused by a lack of nutrient, physical process (such as heat or mechanical disruption) or toxin. 24 Aug. 2011 PATO:0000647 Nucleus 24 Aug. 2011 urn:miriam:obo.go:0005634 urn:miriam:obo.fma:63840 jps GO: A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic Cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most Cells, the Nucleus contains all of the Cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized Cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent. OpenAlea 23 Jul. 2012 OpenAlea is a CBO:ComputationalPlatform class describing a particular compuational platform for preforming multicell modeling. OpenALea is targeted to plant modeling. See http://openalea.gforge.inria.fr/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=openalea jps OpenSourceModelPlatform 23 Jul. 2012 OpenSourceModelPlatform is a CBO:ComputationalPlatformQuality class for compuational platforms which are open source. jps OrganismalRegion subclass of: BFO:snap:fiat_object_part 24 Aug. 2011 OrganismalRegion is a CBO:GeometricalEntity class for regions of an animal. jps Orientation 24 Aug. 2011 jps Orientation is a CBO:GeometricalProperty describing the directionality of a quality of an object. The directionality of the Orientation may be described in terms of the CBO:System axis or Isotropy of the objects local environment or by the Isotropy of the object itself. OtherComputationalPlatform OtherComputationalPlatform is a CBO:ComputationalPlatform class describing a particular compuational platform for preforming multicell modeling. This is a "cover-all" class for platforms which do not have a specific name. 23 Jul. 2012 jps OtherPublicationReference jps OtherPublicationReference is a CBO:ComputationalPlatformQuality class for computational platforms referenced only by a literature citation. 23 Jul. 2012 PatternTexture PatternTexture is a CBO:Texture consisting of a positionally repetitive Texture description. 24 Aug. 2011 jps PhenotypicChange jps 24 Aug. 2011 PhenotypicChange is a FundamentalPhysicalProcess resulting in the change of type of an object. PhenotypicChange applies to both the normally defined phenotypic change of a cell and also includes molecular changes such as ionization. PhysicalEntityType subclass of: BFO:snap:quality urn:miriam:dummy:3 urn:miriam:dummy:2 urn:miriam:dummy:1 jps A PhysicalEntityType is a CBO_Object class of physical objects. For example, a Cell, a basement membrane of a diffusible Molecule. 24 Aug. 2011 PhysicalObjectQuality 24 Aug. 2011 jps subclass of: BFO:snap:quality A PhysicalObjectQuality is a CBO_Object (BFO:snap:continuant:dependent_continuant:specifically_dependent_continuant:quality) of the qualities of physical objects. BFO uses QUALITY, OPB uses PROPERTY. For example, quality is a characteristic of a physical object such as Location, Volume, Energy, type etc. PoissonRatio PoissonRatio is a CBO:MechanicalProperty that describes the ratio, when an object is stretched, of the contraction or transverse strain (perpendicular to the applied load), to the extension or axial strain (in the direction of the applied load). jps 24 Aug. 2011 PressureMechanical PressureMechanical is a CBO:MechanicalProperty describing the barometric pressure of an object or Location in space. jps 24 Aug. 2011 Protrusion jps Protrusion is a GeometricalProperty describing an extension from an otherwise simpler CBO:BodyShape description. For example, a transient pseudopodia or a persistent neuronal axon. 24 Aug. 2011 Pseudopodium urn:miriam:obo.go:0031143 24 Aug. 2011 jps A Pseudopodium is a CBO:CellMembraneLocalStructure characterized by a transient extension of the Cell wall. MeSH: A dynamic actin-rich extension of the surface of an animal Cell used for locomotion or prehension of food. GO: A temporary Protrusion or retractile process of a Cell, associated with flowing movements of the protoplasm, and serving for locomotion and feeding. AKA: pseudopodia Pump A Pump is a CBO:CellMembranePart that is a membrane bound protein that transfers ions and Molecules across the Cell membrane against the natural diffusion gradient direction. MeSH: Membrane proteins whose primary function is to facilitate the transport of Molecules across a biological membrane. Included in this broad category are proteins involved in active transport ( BIOLOGICAL TRANSPORT, ACTIVE), facilitated transport and ION CHANNELS. MeSH: D12.776.157.530 24 Aug. 2011 MeSH:'Membrane Transport Proteins' jps Random Random is a CBO:StatisticalProperty class that describes a quality of randomness to an object or process. jps 24 Aug. 2011 RateFunction jps subclass of: BFO:snap:quality An RateFunction is a CBO_Object (BFO:snap:continuant:dependent_continuant:specifically_dependent_continuant:quality) describing the mathematical form used to define a changes in a particular Quality as a function of time. 24 Aug. 2011 Rotation 24 Aug. 2011 Rotation is a Movement resulting in a change in orientation of an object. jps SecondOrderRate A SecondOrderRate is a CBO:RateFunction describing the mathematical form used to define a second order rate of change of a quality with respect to time. For quality n (and m); dn/dt=k*n^2, or dn/dt=k*n*m, where k is the rate constant. 24 Aug. 2011 jps Shape Shape is a GeometricalProperty describing the spatial (2 or 3 dimensions) of a region of spaced occupied by an object at a particular instant in time. PATO:0000052 jps 24 Aug. 2011 urn:miriam:opb:'bounded Volume Shape' ShapeChange ShapeChange is a FundamentalPhysicalProcess resulting in the change in the Shape, including extents, of an object. subclass of: BFO:span:fiat_process_part 24 Aug. 2011 jps SpacialExclusive 24 Aug. 2011 jps A SpatialExclusive quality is a CBO:PhysicalObjectQuality for objects that can be the only occupier of a particular point or region of space for the set of all objects with the SpatialExclusive quality. For example, CBO:Cell and medium (CBO:ExtracellularFluid) generally will individually have the SpatialExclusive quality and hence individual cells and medium cannot occupy the same region of space at the same time. Objects without the SpatialExclusive quality, for example a chemical field (CBO:DiffuseEntity, CBO:SoluteMaterialType), can overlay objects with the SpatialExclusive quality. That is fields and solutes do not generally have the SpatialExclusive quality. StatisticalProperty 24 Aug. 2011 jps StatisticalProperty is a CBO:PhysicalObjectQuality class that includes a variety of parameters describing the statistical qualities of objects. StatisticalProperty are intrinsic to the object. StiffnessMechanical 24 Aug. 2011 StiffnessMechanical is a CBO:MechanicalProperty that describes an elastic object's resistance to deformation by an applied force along a given direction. jps StructuralProcess jps 24 Aug. 2011 subclass of: BFO:span:process StructuralProcess is a CBO_Process (snap:process) that results does not result in a change in the identity of the Object, but the Object does change in its DATA structure. SurfaceArea jps 24 Aug. 2011 SurfaceArea is a CBO:GeometricalProperty describing the scalar value of the object's surface area at a particular instant in time. urn:miriam:opb:'Area of surface region' SymmetricCellDivisionOrientedCleavagePlane SymmetricCellDivisionOrientedCleavagePlane is a Mitosis characterized by the Creation of two identical daughter cells from a single parent cell. In addition, the cleavage plane of the division process is oriented with respect to either the environment or the characteristics of the parent cell. jps 24 Aug. 2011 SymmetricCellDivisionRandomCleavagePlane jps SymmetricCellDivisionRandomCleavagePlane is a Mitosis characterized by the Creation of two identical daughter cells from a single parent cell. In addition, the cleavage plane of the division process is randomly oriented with respect to both the environment and the characteristics of the parent cell. 24 Aug. 2011 System System is a CBO_Object that describes and includes the universe described by the model or experiment. In general cell instances and fields are "contained_In" (inverse of "contains") a CBO:System as opposed to "part_Of" a CBO:System since cells, fields, etc. may come and go during a simulation. 24 Aug. 2011 jps subclass of: BFO:snap:object SystemBoundary SystemBoundary is a SystemQuality that describes the edges (boundary) of a computational model. jps 25 Jul. 2012 SystemExtent jps SystemExtent classes are SystemQualties the describe the extent of the model in two or three dimensions. SystemExtent can be expressed as a distance (e.g., 100uM) or in pixel or voxel extents. 25 Jul. 2012 SystemExtentX 25 Jul. 2012 jps SystemExtentX is a are SystemExtent the describe the extent of the model in the X dimension. SystemExtent classes can be expressed as a distance (e.g., 100uM) or in pixel or voxel extents. SystemExtentY SystemExtentY is a are SystemExtent the describe the extent of the model in the Y dimension. SystemExtent classes can be expressed as a distance (e.g., 100uM) or in pixel or voxel extents. 25 Jul. 2012 jps SystemExtentZ SystemExtentZ is a are SystemExtent the describe the extent of the model in the Y dimension. SystemExtent classes can be expressed as a distance (e.g., 100uM) or in pixel or voxel extents. 25 Jul. 2012 jps SystemPeriodic SystemPeriodic is a SystemBoundary that describes the edges (boundary) of a computational model as being a periodic edge. Objects that extend beyond a periodic edge are assumed to wrap around the model to the other side. 25 Jul. 2012 jps SystemPeriodicX 25 Jul. 2012 jpos SystemPeriodicX is a SystemPeriodic that describes the edges (boundary) of a computational model as being a periodic edge (or face) that is perpendicular to the X-axis. Objects that extend beyond a periodic edge are assumed to wrap around the model to the other side. SystemPeriodicY SystemPeriodicY is a SystemPeriodic that describes the edges (boundary) of a computational model as being a periodic edge (or face) that is perpendicular to the Y-axis. Objects that extend beyond a periodic edge are assumed to wrap around the model to the other side. 25 Jul. 2012 jps SystemPeriodicZ jps 25 Jul. 2012 SystemPeriodicZ is a SystemPeriodic that describes the edges (boundary) of a computational model as being a periodic edge (or face) that is perpendicular to the Z-axis. Objects that extend beyond a periodic edge are assumed to wrap around the model to the other side. SystemPixel2DistanceScale jps SystemPixel2DistanceScale is a SystemQualties that describes the relationship between the size of a voxel (or pixel) and a length measurement. In general, SystemPixel2Distance will point to a floating point number that, when multiplied by a number of pixels will return a distance. For example, a SystemPixel2DistanceScale=2um/pix indicates that each pixel is 2 micrometers wide. 25 Jul. 2012 SystemQuality jps SystemQualities is CBO_Object class that describes the computational platform (suite of code or a standalone computational tool) and instantiation of a particular model. 24 Jul. 2012 SystemWall jps 25 Jul. 2012 SystemWall is a SystemBoundary that describes the edges (boundary) of a computational model as being an impenetrable wall. Objects are not allowed to penetrate or extend beyond a SystemWall though they may interact with a SystemWall. SystemWallX jps 25 Jul. 2012 SystemWallX is a SystemWall that describes the edges (boundary) of a computational model as being an impenetrable wall that is perpendicular to the X-axis. Objects are not allowed to penetrate or extend beyond a SystemWall though they may interact with a SystemWall. SystemWallY SystemWallY is a SystemWall that describes the edges (boundary) of a computational model as being an impenetrable wall that is perpendicular to the Y-axis. Objects are not allowed to penetrate or extend beyond a SystemWall though they may interact with a SystemWall. jps 25 Jul. 2012 SystemWallZ jps 25 Jul. 2012 SystemWallZ is a SystemWall that describes the edges (boundary) of a computational model as being an impenetrable wall that is perpendicular to the Z-axis. Objects are not allowed to penetrate or extend beyond a SystemWall though they may interact with a SystemWall. TemperatureField A TemperatureField is a CBO:Field class for the description of the temperature that spans a particular extent at a particular time but is not spatially exclusive and may, and generally does, overlap with other PhysicalEntityTypes at a particular time. In addition, a TemperatureField may be described as having a position dependent intensity function. Unlike a CBO:Cell, a TemperatureField is geometrically divisible without a fundamental change in characteristics or identity. (Division down to the scale of an individual molecule is outside the distance scale covered by the CBO.) 19 Jul. 2012 jps A TemperatureField is a CBO:Field class for the description of the temperature that spans a particular extent at a particular time but is not spatially exclusive and may, and generally does, overlap with other PhysicalEntityTypes at a particular time. In addition, a TemperatureField may be described as having a position dependent intensity function. Unlike a CBO:Cell, a TemperatureField is geometrically divisible without a fundamental change in characteristics or identity. (Division down to the scale of an individual molecule is outside the distance scale covered by the CBO.) TemporalAge urn:miriam:obo.pato:0000011 jps 24 Aug. 2011 TemporalAge is a CBO:Age that describes the time interval between the time of the objects creation and the current time. PATO: A time quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of how long the bearer has existed. TemporalEntity TemporalEntity is a CBO_Object that OPB: ...is a moment or span of time. subclass of: BFO:span:connected_temporal_region urn:miriam:opb:'temporal entity' 24 Aug. 2011 jps TemporalInstant OPB: ...is a point in time. subclass of: BFO:snap:TemporalInstant 24 Aug. 2011 jps urn:miriam:opb:'temporal instant' TemporalInterval jps subclass of: BFO:snap:TemporalInterval OPB: ...is a period of time bounded by two temporal moments (that may be the same moment). 24 Aug. 2011 urn:miriam:opb:'temporal interval' TensionMechanical 24 Aug. 2011 TensionMechanical is a CBO:MechanicalProperty that describes the pulling force exerted on an entity (a stretching or distorting force). jps Texture Texture is a CBO:GeometricalProperty describing the characteristics of a surface Texture. 24 Aug. 2011 jps TightJunction GO: An occluding Cell-Cell junction that is composed of a branching network of sealing strands that completely encircles the apical end of each Cell in an epithelial sheet; the outer leaflets of the two interacting plasma membranes are seen to be tightly apposed where sealing strands are present. Each sealing strand is composed of a long row of transmembrane adhesion proteins embedded in each of the two interacting plasma membranes. Cell-Cell junctions that seal adjacent epithelial Cells together, preventing the passage of most dissolved Molecules from one side of the epithelial sheet to the other. (Alberts et al., Molecular Biology of the Cell, 2nd ed, p22) jps urn:miriam:obo.go:0005923 24 Aug. 2011 Translation 24 Aug. 2011 Translation is a Movement resulting in a change in the spatial location of an object. jps Transport jps 24 Aug. 2011 Transport is a CBO_Process describing the general case of Movement of an object across space, a fiat boundary or a bona fide boundary. For example, Transport of oxygen from the outside of an animal to the inside of the animal. Note that there are specific terms elsewhere for Transport across cell boundaries (CBO:CellImport and CBO:CellExport) and for molecules (CBO:MoleculeBarrierCrossing). UniformTexture 24 Aug. 2011 jps UniformTexture is a CBO:Texture consisting of a positionally independent Texture description. VTK_FileName JPS VTK_FileName is a CBO:SystemQuality:VTK_Quality giving a full file name (which may or may not by a URI, IRI, or fully qualified path+filename to the local file system) for a snapshot VTK file giving the cells, cell extents, cell types, fields etc of the model at a particular point in simulated time. Recommended file name structure: ModelName_TimeStamp_runID_time.vtk where; "ModelName" is the same string used for the CBO_System instant that encompasses the entire model. This should also be the name of the OWL ontology for the model. "TimeStamp" is the wall clock time that the simulation that created the VTK was started. Resommended format of YYYYMMDDhhmmss. "runID" is an additional qualifier to differentiate multiple runs of the same model that may have been started at the same wall clock time. Often this may be assumed to be "1". "time" is the simulated time for this particular snapshot of the system. It is recomended that the "time" be a zero filled string, for example 000000010, for the file created after the simulated time of 10*VTK_FileTimeStep in the simulation. 10/25/2012 VTK_FileRoot VTK_FileRoot is a CBO:SystemQuality:VTK_Quality giving the root name for the VTK files associated with the particular model. JPS 10/25/2012 VTK_FileTimeStep 10/25/2012 VTK_FileTimeStep is a CBO:SystemQuality:VTK_Quality that carries the time scale for the VTK files. The value of the VTK_FileTimeStep instance, when multiplied by it's units and then by the numeric part of the VTK_FileName gives the simulated time offset from the start of the simulated time. For example; VTK_fts instanceOf VTK_FileTimeStep VTK_fts hasFloatValue 100 VTK_fts hasUnit UO:milliseconds and the VTK file name "MySim_20121024112233_1_000250.vtk is understood to represent the simulated time of (100)(250)milliseconds = 25 seconds Often the instance of VTK_FileTimeStep will have a numeric value of 1 and most of the time information will be carried by the units (seconds, minutes, days, ...) and the numeric part of the VTK file name (000250 in the example above). JPS VTK_InitialCondition 10/25/2012 jps VTK_InitialCondition is a CBO:SystemQuality:VTK_Quality that points at a VTK file giving the initial configuration of the model. Typically this configuration represents time=0 in the model. VTK_Quality VTK_Quality is a CBO:SystemQuality that includes classes for specificying the name, ilneage and time of a VTK snap(shot) of the simulation. 10/29/2012 JPS Ventral 24 Aug. 2011 jps Ventral is a CBO:OrganismalRegion characteristic of the front of an object relative to the body it is contained in. EFO: Ventral is a geometric modifier describing parts pertaining to the front or anterior of any structure for example Ventral striatum. Volume jps 24 Aug. 2011 Volume is a GeometricalProperty describing the total Volume of spaced occupied by the object at a particular instant in time. urn:miriam:opb:'Volume of Volume region' PATO:0000918 VolumeChange 24 Aug. 2011 VolumeChange is a FundamentalPhysicalProcess resulting in a change, an increase or decrease, in the Volume occupied by an object. subclass of: BFO:span:fiat_process_part jps VolumeEnergy jps 24 Aug. 2011 A VolumeEnergy is a CBO:EnergyQuality representing the energy associated with a given volume entity. YieldingThreshold 24 Aug. 2011 YieldingThreshold (Yield stress threshold, Y) is a CBO:MechanicalProperty describing the rheological yield stress of an object. jps YoungsModulus YoungsModulus (Young's modulus, tensile modulus) is a numerical CBO:PhysicalObjectQuality indicating the measure of stiffness in a material. It is defined by the ratio of stress in a unit area of substance to the resulting deformation (strain). This allows the behavior of a material under load (such as bone) to be calculated. (From Mesh) 24 Aug. 2011 jps ZerothOrderRate jps 24 Aug. 2011 A ZerothOrderRate is a CBO:RateFunction describing the mathematical form used to define a constant rate of change of a quality with respect to time. For quality n; dn/dt=k, where k is a constant. Note that OWL DL does not support antiymetric properties so those have been removed from the OBO Relation defintiions for the properties. CBO_Process is the top level CBO class for processes and process qualities. CBO_Object is BFO:continuant (endurant). CBO_Process is euivalent to BFO:occurrent.